Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Death threats, tweets jolt GOP infrastruc­ture supporters

- By Alan Fram

The last time Congress approved a major renewal of federal highway and other transporta­tion programs, the votes were 359-65 in the House and 83-16 in the Senate. It was backed by nearly every Democrat and robust majorities of Republican­s.

This year’s $1 trillion infrastruc­ture bill easily cleared the Senate 69-13 with GOP support, but crawled through the House last week by 228-206 with just 13 Republican votes. Those defectors were savaged afterward by former President Donald Trump, hard-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., called them “traitors” while tweeting their names and office telephone numbers, and one of the 13 says he received a death threat.

The votes, six years apart, and the harsh blowback against Republican mavericks illustrate a GOP in which conservati­ve voices have grown louder and more militant, fanned by Trump’s bellicose four years in office. Growing numbers of progressiv­es have made Democrats more liberal too, with both shifts fueling a sharpening of partisansh­ip in Washington.

“This madness has to stop,” said Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., an 18-term moderate, who said his offices received dozens of threatenin­g calls following his yes vote. That included one obscenity-laced rant that aides provided in which the caller repeatedly called Upton a “traitor” and expressed hope that the lawmaker, his family and aides would die.

Upton closed his two Michigan offices for a day and reopened them after increasing their security.

This year’s bill, triple the size of the 2015 measure, is a keystone of President Joe Biden’s push to create jobs and build out the nation’s

roads, water systems, broadband coverage and other projects. A compromise between Senate Democrats and Republican­s, it will send money into every state and is the kind of bill that politician­s have loved promoting back home for decades. Biden plans to sign it Monday.

Democrats say GOP opposition to the bill is indefensib­le on policy and political grounds.

“It’s a sad statement of how the other party has lost its way,” said Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, D-N.Y., who’s leading the House Democratic political arm into a 2022 campaign in which Republican­s have solid chances of capturing congressio­nal control. “If you want our country to fail so you can say things are bad and win power for yourself, you act like the House Republican­s are.”

But for many Republican­s, infrastruc­ture projects — once an issue the two parties would reflexivel­y work together on for mutual and national benefit — now offer a complex political calculatio­n.

“When it comes to policy these days, we’re basically divided into two tribes. And you stick with your tribe and you don’t try to help the other tribe,” said Glen Bolger, a GOP pollster and strategist.

As president, Trump repeatedly promised his own massive infrastruc­ture plan but never produced one, making the phrase “infrastruc­ture week” a Washington synonym for “pipe dream.” But he opposes the current package, and his ability to rally his conservati­ve supporters against those who cross him was a factor as GOP lawmakers decided how to vote.

Even so, hard-right cries for retaliatio­n against the 13 pro-infrastruc­ture Republican­s, largely moderates from the Northeast and Midwest, have prompted their own pushback.

“This notion that we’re going to have people that are on the fringe, in terms of the Marjorie Taylor Greenes of the world and others, imposing some kind of a purity test on substance is lunacy,” said Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo. Cheney has been at

war with Trump and the party’s far right ever since backing his impeachmen­t early this year.

Cheney opposed the bill, saying it contained clean energy and other provisions that would hurt Wyoming. She said the 13 Republican­s who backed it are “among some of our very best members” who did it “because it was the right thing for their districts.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., an unabashed partisan warrior, was among 19 Senate Republican­s who voted for the bill in August. McConnell, who doesn’t have to worry about being reelected until 2026, said this week he was “delighted” the measure was heading to Biden.

A day earlier, McConnell had already drawn Trump’s wrath.

Trump issued a statement denigratin­g GOP senators who’d backed the bill for “thinking that helping the Democrats is such a wonderful thing to do.” Those Republican­s “should be ashamed of themselves, in particular Mitch McConnell,” Trump wrote.

 ?? AMANDA ANDRADE-RHOADES — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., speaks to a reporter on Capitol Hill in Washington.
AMANDA ANDRADE-RHOADES — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., speaks to a reporter on Capitol Hill in Washington.

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