Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Finding the right way to finish Dr. King’s work

- — E-mail: damitchell@ earthlink.net

In my last column, I wrote about a discussion, “Racial Healing for Justice: Reparation­s and Transforma­tion,” organized by U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee that addressed racial healing, racial justice, H.R. 40, and H.Con. Res. 19 legislatio­n.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (DTexas), Dr. Ron Daniels, and Dr. Gail Christophe­r joined the California congresswo­man in the discussion moderated by Dr. Marcus Hunter. The purpose of the H.R. 40 bill is to study and develop proposals for reparation­s for foundation­al Black Americans. The H.Con.Res.19 creates a United States Commission on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transforma­tion in Congress.

All panelists agreed that the Biden/Harris administra­tion would make history, passing both bills. However, more action is needed from the Biden/ Harris administra­tion, said Lee.

To continue, Lee mentioned the infrastruc­ture bill was passed. However, the Build Back Better plan hasn’t passed. She explained that the racial equity piece of the infrastruc­ture bill is not as prominent as other components.

Jackson Lee, who took charge of the H.R. 40, encourages the administra­tion to be bold and “pass the bills.” She emphasized that constituen­ts must see their elected officials take a stand even if they disagree with them. Daniels agreed, explaining that while the purpose of equity is to ensure that specific policies never exist, equity still doesn’t address the accumulate­d harms of the past that includes industries.

Christophe­r believes that America could be a beacon to the world, adding that both legislatio­ns could be a gift to the country. “We must make progress sustainabl­e for us and future generation­s,” she said, “and, we can’t fumble the ball.” No, we can’t fumble the ball, which is why I don’t support H.R. 40 as written. The bill requires more specificit­y in crucial areas to make it stronger, leaving less room for error and being obliterate­d by committee members. For one, just writing African Americans or enslaved Africans in the bill is not enough when we now have Black people from around the world living in the United States.

Reparation­s are only owed to American descendant­s of slavery and oppression in the United States and not Black Americans with immigrant background­s. As such, an eligibilit­y criteria should also be written into the bill, says Economist William Darity Jr., a supporter of reparation­s and coauthor of “From Here to Equality: Reparation­s for Black Americans in the 21st Century.”

No doubt, many other Americans are owed reparation­s. However, they should, rightfully so, file a separate justice claim and with the right country. The proposed bill doesn’t identify specific qualificat­ions required of H.R. 40 Commission appointees. Members selected should be experts in particular subject areas and have expertise on housing inequities, for example. Also, these decision-makers should only receive compensati­on for their travel, food, and hotel expenses. “You can’t speak truth to power if power has a spoon in your mouth,” a reparation­s advocate said.

Other issues exist in the bill, like transparen­cy and solutions for addressing the wealth gap. The bill can be read at www. congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/40. Viewers can also see whether their representa­tives support the H.R.40. Currently, 40 Democrats in California support the bill, including Solano County Reps. John Garamendi and Mike Thompson. Now we need their support in a revised H.R.40 bill. We can either email them or tweet #FixHR40. Meanwhile, constituen­ts, particular­ly eligible Black Americans, should find a local reparation­s organizati­on such as the Coalition for a Just and Equitable California, or American Descendant­s of Slavery groups that are spread across the nation and volunteer. We must be determined to complete Dr. King’s unfinished business, but we must do it right.

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