Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Blinken says China’s balloon incursion ‘must never happen again’


>> The top diplomats from the United States and China met on Saturday in the first highlevel contact between their countries since the U.S. shot down an alleged Chinese spy balloon two weeks ago, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken sending the message that Beijing’s surveillan­ce program had been “exposed to the world.”

Blinken and Wang Yi, the Chinese Communist Party’s most senior foreign policy official, held the hourlong talks in Munich, where they were attending an internatio­nal security conference, according to the U.S. State Department.

“I condemned the incursion of the PRC surveillan­ce balloon and stressed it must never happen again,” Blinken said in a tweet, referring to the People’s Republic of China.

His spokesman, Ned Price, said in a statement that Blinken “made clear the United States will not stand for any violation of our sovereignt­y, and that the PRC’s high-altitude surveillan­ce balloon program — which has intruded into the airspace of over 40 countries across five continents — has been exposed to the world,” Price said.

Blinken had canceled a trip to Beijing earlier this month due to the balloon incident, which has become a major issue of contention between the two countries.

A meeting at the conference in Germany had been widely anticipate­d.

Blinken also told Wang that the U.S. does not seek conflict with China, repeating a standard talking point that the Biden administra­tion has provided since it has come into office.

“The United States will compete and will unapologet­ically stand up for our values and interests, but that we do not want conflict with the PRC and are not looking for a new Cold War,” Price said. Blinken “underscore­d the importance of maintainin­g diplomatic dialogue and open lines of communicat­ion at all times.”

In addition to the balloon incident, Price said Blinken had reiterated a warning to China on providing assistance to Russia to help with its war against Ukraine, including assisting Moscow with evading sanctions the West has imposed on Russia.

“I warned China against providing materiel support to Russia,” Blinken said in his tweet. “I also emphasized the importance of keeping open lines of communicat­ion.”

Earlier Saturday, Wang had renewed Beijing’s criticism of the United States for shooting down the balloon, arguing that the move did not point to U.S. strength.

Beijing insists the white orb shot down off the Carolina coast on Feb. 4 was just an errant civilian airship used mainly for meteorolog­ical research that went off course due to winds and had only limited “self-steering” capabiliti­es.

 ?? PETR DAVID JOSEK — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken sits down for a Meeting of the Transatlan­tic Quad with the foreign ministers of France, Germany and the United Kingdom at the Munich Security Conference in Munich on Saturday.
PETR DAVID JOSEK — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken sits down for a Meeting of the Transatlan­tic Quad with the foreign ministers of France, Germany and the United Kingdom at the Munich Security Conference in Munich on Saturday.

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