

Brother doesn’t follow through on good ideas

- By Harriette Cole

DEAR HARRIETTE: I think that my brother has a bunch of good ideas, but he never executes them. I’m afraid I’m watching him turn into one of those people who is all talk and no action. He’s constantly pitching ideas to our friends and family but never doing anything with them. I know that people are getting sick of him and his lack of follow-through. I even watched my dad loan him money to kickstart his business plan only for him to spend the money on random things. What can I do to make sure he tightens up? I don’t want people losing faith in him.

Just Do It

DEAR JUST DO IT: Your brother might benefit from an entreprene­urial bootcamp where he can learn how to go from thinking about an idea to executing it. There are a lot of dreamers in the world, but far fewer people go the distance and make a plan that they complete. Suggest that your brother consider a particular idea that he is passionate about and then take a class or workshop to learn how to build that idea into a business.

He needs some confidence­boosting to help him realize that he has the potential within him to manifest his dreams. He has to recognize and cultivate that. For a jumpstart, I am hosting a Dreamleape­rs workshop twopart series in June that may support him and others in going from dream state to activation state. To learn more, visit bit.ly/DLSPRING21.

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have spent so much time at home this year because of quarantine that I am afraid to go out. My friends have started to call me to see if we can visit, but I really am scared. I read the reports about people continuing to die from COVID-19 even though many people have been vaccinated. I have been vaccinated myself, but I worry. How can I trust that everybody who is walking around without a mask is safe? I feel like staying in my cocoon at home, but that’s not practical. What should I do?


DEAR RECLUSE: Being in lockdown for so long has created new patterns and concerns for all of us. It is true, though, that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has relaxed some of the restrictio­ns, including allowing vaccinated people to get together in small groups without masks both outdoors and indoors. This is great news.

Since you remain skittish about the safety of these engagement­s, feel free to keep your mask on. That’s what I’ve done on the few occasions when I have gotten together with others. Until you feel confident maskless, continue to follow all of the original protocols, but do consider meeting up with loved ones on occasion. It is quite wonderful to be able to see friends face-to-face rather than through a tiny box on your computer.

Go to the CDC website for specific details on what you can do when fully vaccinated: cdc.gov/coronaviru­s/2019ncov/vaccines/fullyvacci­nated.html.

(Harriette Cole is a lifestylis­t and founder of DREAMLEAPE­RS, an initiative to help people access and activate their dreams.)

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