
Active threat training class planned in FC

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church to host FBI-taught course Tuesday

- Tamara Johnson Publisher

A training course will be held in Forrest City next week to teach people what to do in active threat situations.

An FBI agent will teach the class Tuesday evening at the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church on Hill Street in Forrest City, beginning at 6 p.m., in the church’s sanctuary.

Tammy Freligh, who asked the FBI to present the class for local residents, said she made the request after attending a session earlier this year during staff meetings at East Arkansas Community College.

“The presenter will talk through different scenarios and show a PowerPoint featuring clips and things that have happened in other places,” said Freligh. “One of the things I really took away from the session I attended was an example she gave of a nightclub fire, explaining there were such mass casualties because people didn’t know how to get out.

“This course is to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to survive an active threat anywhere,” said Freligh. “You can take this informatio­n back to your family, friends, coworkers and churches and feel that you are better prepared should a threat arise.

“It’s just a really good course,” she continued. “It teaches you how to think your way out of these types of situations.”

According to Freligh, the class will focus on encouragin­g people to plan ahead should they find themselves in dangerous situations, with the presenter discussing the ALICE acronym, which stands for alert, lockdown, inform, counter and evacuate.

“If people plan and talk to one another ahead of time, when things do happen they will have some sort of knowledge of what to do,” said Freligh. “A lot of it is awareness and knowing your exits.”

The local class is being presented during Lent.

“One of the reasons for doing this during Lent is for seeking peace and making peaceful decisions,” said Freligh. “It will hopefully give those attending a peace of mind to know how to handle certain situations. We can handle those situations if we have a plan, know what to do and know where to go.”

The church will be providing a light meal of sandwiches, chips and drinks, beginning at 5:30 p.m., for those who make reservatio­ns in advance by sending an email to Freligh at tlf63@outlook.com.

“We feel like some people coming straight from work to the church might not have time to eat so we’ll have some light refreshmen­ts they can eat quickly before the program starts,” she said.

There is no registrati­on required for those who do not plan to eat and there is no charge for the class.

“There is a peaceful feeling that comes from preparedne­ss,” added Freligh.

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