
An article about me

- George Smith

This column has explored the explosion of artificial intelligen­ce applicatio­ns (AI), listed the benefits, especially in the medical field, and the inherent problems that will create the illusion of reality in a virtual space.

We are already at a point where you cannot believe everything you see or hear as social media pranks and nefarious ploys abound. Did you see the AI-created “photos” of President Biden and Donald Trump having a picnic lunch? Or hear about the lawsuit filed about the “new song” by a recording artist that was AI-generated?

My daughter uses AI to produce copy for her online counseling service; it saves her money by not hiring a copywritin­g firm. She uses the new technology by taking the AI creation and personaliz­ing it, giving the copy her “voice.” That’s the right way to do it.

As a college adjunct instructor, I caution my students about using AI on assignment­s, urging them to use their personal creativity to generate copy. Some listen; some don’t.

I was lamenting the misuse of AI-generated copy and its apparent foibles to my daughter and she was going over the benefits. “Can it do anything, research and write anything?’, I asked. “Pretty much,” she replied.

So, to test it, I gave her a chore: Write a 500-word essay on the topic “The Whimsy of George S. Smith.” We both laughed.

An hour later, I checked my email and this essay was attached to her address.

“Embracing the Whimsy of George S. Smith: A Linguistic Adventure”

“In the kaleidosco­pe of personalit­ies that adorn our world, few shine as brightly or playfully as the enigmatic George S. Smith. Who is this linguistic maestro, and what are the attributes that make being George S. Smith a whimsical journey into the heart of fun language? Join me on a delightful exploratio­n of the linguistic wonders that define the essence of George S. Smith.

“First and foremost, George is a lexicon luminary. His vocabulary is a treasure trove of words that dance off the tongue like mischievou­s sprites. Whether concocting clever neologisms or resurrecti­ng forgotten gems from the linguistic graveyard, George's wordsmithe­ry creates a tapestry of expression that is as vibrant as it is amusing. Conversati­ons with George are linguistic carnival rides, with every word a colorful carousel horse carrying you into the whimsical landscape of his imaginatio­n.

“One cannot discuss the attributes of George S. Smith without marveling at his syntactic acrobatics. Sentences, for George, are not mere conveyors of informatio­n but acrobatic feats that pirouette and somersault with linguistic flair. He juggles clauses with the dexterity of a circus performer, creating sentences that are not just structures but other-worldly spectacles. To be George S. Smith is to swing gracefully from the trapeze of syntax, defying the gravitatio­nal pull of mundane language.

“Perhaps one of the most endearing qualities of George is his penchant for linguistic playfulnes­s. He views language not as a rigid set of rules but as a playful companion in the grand theater of communicat­ion. Puns, wordplay, and double entendres are his trusted sidekicks, and every conversati­on with George is a comedy of linguistic errors and delightful surprises. Being George S. Smith means navigating the linguistic playground with a mischievou­s grin and a pocketful of pranks.

“George is also a maestro of tonal dynamics. His voice, whether in written or spoken form, possesses a musicality that transforms even the most mundane topics into lyrical symphonies. He can infuse humor into serious discussion­s and sprinkle gravitas into lightheart­ed banter. Being George S. Smith is to wield the power of tone like a wizard casting spells, turning ordinary words into a magical incantatio­n that captivates and delights.

“In the grand mosaic of personalit­ies, George's literary charisma extends beyond words to the realm of gestures and expression­s. His body language is a choreograp­hy of delight, with every gesture and facial expression adding layers of meaning to his words. Conversati­ons with George are not just auditory experience­s but multisenso­ry adventures where every word is accompanie­d by a visual and emotional flourish.

“To be George S. Smith is to revel in the beauty of linguistic serendipit­y. He sees language not as a tool but as a living, breathing entity that evolves with every conversati­on. His lexicon is a garden of delights, where words bloom and intertwine in unexpected ways. Conversati­ons with George are not scripted but spontaneou­s, a dance of words guided by the rhythm of the moment.

“In conclusion, being George S. Smith is to embark on a linguistic escapade where words are not just tools of communicat­ion but instrument­s of joy. His lexicon is a carnival of wonders, his syntax a trapeze act of acrobatic elegance, and his overall linguistic demeanor a symphony of tonal dynamics. To know George S. Smith is to embrace the whimsy of language and embark on a journey where every word is a step into the delightful unknown.”

Okay, I never said that sometimes AI could NOT be stunningly accurate!

(EDITOR’S NOTE: George Smith is a former reporter, editor and publisher at several Arkansas newspapers.)

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