Times of the Islands


- With Norma R. Hagan


Full moon on July 9 at 17 de grees Capricorn and Cancer—focus attention on your home. New moon on July 23 at 0 de grees Leo—start new projects for success. Full moon on August 7 at 15 degrees Leo and Aquarius adds determinat­ion. New moon on August 21 at 28 degrees Leo—proceed steadily and carefully with ideas. Mercury goes retrograde at 11 degrees Virgo on August 13—complete projects by that date.

The Personal Signs

(MARCH 21 TO APRIL 20) ARIESof happiness. Your finances are looking Partnershi­ps,good as marriagesw­ell, and it and may otherbe the close right relationsh­ipstime f or you are to all buy favored;a house, they join shoulda w orthwhileb­e sources organizati­on or just pay attention to the ideas of a trusted friend. July 19 can bring news you’ve been hoping to hear.

TAURUS (APRIL 21 TO MAY 20) Your plans and ideas are receiving good celestial aspects as July begins. Your ruler, Venus, in your house of finance, means money should be available to further your interests and projects. Taking courses in new subjects is indicated; hard work and study will pay off in earnings potential. Your ruler, Venus, has you thinking of your family.

GEMINI (MAY 21 TO JUNE 20) As a Mercury-ruled Gemini, you have many ideas and like to plan ahead to make sure you accomplish as much as possible. Puzzles stimulate your mind and are good to keep your busy mind happy. You especially need to pay attention to when Mercury goes retrograde on August 13. After that, sit back and go with what you have already planned.

CANCER (JUNE 21 TO JULY 22) Your time may be taken up by a serious-minded partner, who has a lot of things for you to do and wants you to spend time giving your input. This is a great time for you to take a trip with this partner so you can both relax; you both need a vacation. Changes where you work look positive, especially at the end of August.

LEO (JULY 23 TO AUGUST 22) Your ruler, the Sun, is trying to lure you outside, where you are happiest. Beaches, golf courses or just walking make you feel great and bring out your best personalit­y. Leos are physically strong and have a naturally sunny dispositio­n. You need to plan good times with friends and family. You are naturally gregarious and need plenty of people to keep you happy.

VIRGO (AUGUST 23 TO SEPTEMBER 22) This is a good time of year for you. Other people in your life are more willing to cooperate and get the to-do list moving. You like efficiency, neatness, attention to detail and are happiest when everything is in order. Pay attention to Mercury retrograde dates, accomplish your goals before August 13, and then you can relax.


22) You should be as happy as can be right now, with many of your wishes having materializ­ed. Enjoy your good fortune. This is a time when things go right without too much help. It is a particular­ly nice time to make your home and your wardrobe the way you want them. Buy what you need and enjoy. Pastel colors, art and music will all have more appeal. Taking art, decorating or music lessons is favored.


NOVEMBER 22) Your love life is getting better all the time! You’ve got someone really fascinated with you and interested in seeing more of you. It’s just what a Scorpio needs and likes. There is something secretive about this person, who may not feel free to express him or herself. In any case, it’s just the kind of intrigue that makes Scorpios thrive. There’s nothing a Scorpio likes more than figuring out a mystery.


DECEMBER 21) With Saturn in your sign you are dealing with more work than you like. Since Saturn is receiving a superfavor­able aspect, however, your efforts are now paying off, and everything is easier; people are joining your efforts, bringing unexpected relief. Outdoor sports such as golf, tennis and swimming are the best ways for you to relax.


JANUARY 19) You are one of the zodiac’s best-organized, most serious-minded people. Your efforts,

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