Times of the Islands





Encouraged by some avid swimmers in the Gulf, I stuck my toes in the surf but it’s still way too cold for this thin-blooded soul.


It’s all about shrimp this weekend. LB says come on out to Fort Myers Beach and celebrate the area’s finest pink gold. Scampi, steamed, tacos—it’s all good.


Florida strawberri­es are in season! They are so red, so juicy, so sweet—I’m in a fruit daze.


Thank you, farmers market, for meeting not just my strawberry needs but also satisfying all my other food cravings—pretzel bread, for example.


Do I detect a theme here? An emphasis on eating, maybe? It’s just so nice to live in a place where farm to table is really a thing.


Sometimes you would think Southwest Florida has been annexed by Boston. It’s Red Sox Nation around here at this time of year.


F is insisting on a field trip to Arcadia this weekend for the rodeo. Could be exciting, plus a chance for me to wear my much-neglected cowboy boots.


So now I can say, “This is not my first rodeo,” and really mean it. What a blast we had in Arcadia—but somehow I feel like I was the one riding the buckin’ bronc.


Tennis today with V, C and K, and they were all playing out of their minds, motivated by the pros they just watched at the Miami Open. I better head over there so I can keep up on the court.


A lot of freshly sunburned faces glowing in the checkout lines at the grocery. It’s still spring break somewhere.


The island’s hottest night spot is the ice cream shop. The line was snaking out the door and down the walkway tonight.


Loggerhead­s crawl faster up the beach than traffic was moving on Periwinkle today.


Sometimes you don’t have to go far to feel like you’ve traveled a long way. That’s how it feels when I go to Pine Island. Had a lovely day all by myself visiting art galleries.


There can be no better place to celebrate Earth Day than right here.


Why did the iguana cross Donax? Apparently to get to the golf course. They are all over the fairways.


For the first time in a few months I did not have to allow 30 extra minutes to get where I’m going in town. Love you, Northern friends, but now it’s our turn to breathe.

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