Times of the Islands



1 Type of orange

5 It may be white on the beach

8 Part of a dock

9 Bird bills

10 Arrival time, for short

11 Adams of “Enchanted”

12 Doll’s name

13 Treasure find

14 Exists

16 Evidence in crime dramas

18 Nose

20 Chow down

22 “Kill Bill” star, Thurman

23 Sea shores

25 Seafood soup base

28 TOTI Media anniversar­y, 2 words

30 Conger, for one

32 “Piece of cake!”

33 Riders on the road


1 Duck

2 Child watcher

3 Alligators and crocodiles, for example

4 Very clever

6 Edible mollusk

7 Pie or pudding

9 Baseball equipment

15 The total of something

17 Brilliantl­y colored garden shrubs

19 Diplomatic

21 Kind of chair

23 Get into a tub

24 Batters’ objectives

26 BBQ residue

27 Takes to the sea

29 Fish cookout

31 Much-loved alien botanist

 ??  ??

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