Times Record

Pastor accused of defrauding investors of $3M via crypto scheme says he got help from ‘the Lord’


until at least March 4, when the judge will consider its request for an injunction against the city.

Avell, who pleaded not guilty in municipal court Jan. 11, said his church wants to welcome anyone, regardless of the time of day.

DENVER – A Colorado pastor for an online church who is accused of defrauding investors of more than $3.2 million through a cryptocurr­ency marketplac­e he ran with his wife says “the Lord” helped him orchestrat­e the venture.

Colorado’s securities commission­er filed civil fraud charges against Eli Regalado and his wife Kaitlyn Regalado, saying the Denver couple targeted the Christian community and told followers that God would make them rich if they invested in a cryptocurr­ency he created called INDXcoin.

Investigat­ors with the Colorado Division of Securities found that from June 2022 to April 2023, INDXcoin raised about $3.2 million from more than 300 people who invested in the “illiquid” and “essentiall­y worthless” currency, according to the complaint filed Jan. 16.

Investigat­ors said the Regalados, who ran a cryptocurr­ency marketplac­e called the Kingdom Wealth Exchange, used at least $1.3 million of those funds to support a lavish lifestyle that included tens of thousands of dollars spent on vacations, jewelry, luxury handbags, cosmetic dentistry, clothes and home renovation­s. The two, who shut down the exchange Nov. 1, also are accused of using some of the money to finance the purchase of a Range Rover.

Eli Regalado did not respond to an email seeking comment Tuesday, but in a video statement to his followers last week, he said the charges that he and his wife pocketed the money “are true.”

“Out of that $1.3 (million), half a million dollars went to the IRS, and a few hundred thousand dollars went to a home remodel that the Lord told us to do,” he said in the video, noting that God appeared to him in a dream and gave him advice on how to run the cryptocurr­ency exchange.

“What we’re praying for, and what we’re believing for still is that God is going to do a miracle,” he added. “God is going to work a miracle in the financial sector. He’s going to bring a miracle into INDXcoin. Everyone that has come in for money is going to be able to receive money back,” said Regalado.

The church, which counts the Regalados as its only two employees, is operated from the couple’s house, their recreation­al vehicle and their vacation destinatio­ns, according to investigat­ors.

In an August 2022 update video for his investors and followers, Eli Regalado stated: “The Lord brought this cryptocurr­ency to me. He said ‘Take this to my people for a wealth transfer.’ It has been confirmed a hundred times since then.”

The couple also told investors they would “tithe” and “sow” in causes that helped widows and orphans, “but the payments to ‘widows and orphans’ were primarily to the Regalados,” according to the complaint.

The Regalados, who had no experience selling cryptocurr­ency, are accused of violating the anti-fraud, licensing and registrati­on provisions of the Colorado Securities Act. They are set to appear in court Jan. 29.

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