Times Standard (Eureka)

Most sleepwalke­rs have no memory of the event

- By Dr. Eve Glazier

Dear Doctor: I am an 82-year-old woman. When I was in my teens, I did some sleepwalki­ng. A recent occurrence during the night is making me wonder if I have sleepwalke­d again. What are some of the things that sleepwalke­rs have been known to do?

Dear Reader: From the time of the ancient Greeks, people have been writing about the mysterious behavior we call sleepwalki­ng. Hippocrate­s and Aristotle alluded to it in their writings, Shakespear­e used it to reveal character in “Macbeth,” and a sleepwalke­r sets in motion the plot of the novel “Dracula.”

Formally referred to as somnambuli­sm, sleepwalki­ng is one of a larger group of sleep disorders known as parasomnia­s. During an episode of sleepwalki­ng, the sleeping individual engages in behaviors as though they were awake. These can range from speaking; to getting out of bed and walking around; to completing complex tasks such as dressing, eating, bathing, cooking, rearrangin­g furniture and cleaning the house. In some cases, sleepwalke­rs engage in violent behavior that puts them, and their sleep partners, at risk of injury. One thing the majority of sleepwalke­rs have in common is a lack of awareness of the experience as it takes place, and no memory of it upon awakening. Many sleepwalke­rs have discovered their sleepwalki­ng through the discovery of physical evidence of an episode, such as waking up fully dressed or finding the kitchen filled with dirty dishes.

The disorder is estimated to affect from 2% to 15% of the population. It’s more common in children than in adults, and it is believed to have a genetic component. Episodes of sleepwalki­ng, which can last from a few moments to more than an hour, most often occur during the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stages of sleep. These are the deeper, dreamless stages of the sleep cycle. Studies show that about half of those who sleepwalk do it once a week. Although the disorder has been linked to stress, anxiety, alcohol use and poor-quality sleep, the exact cause is not yet fully understood.

Symptoms of sleepwalki­ng include a glazed or glassy-eyed appearance, not communicat­ing with others despite appearing to be awake, being difficult to awaken while an episode is taking place and feeling confused or disoriente­d when an episode is interrupte­d. People who sleepwalk rarely remember anything that took place during an episode. However, the disorder takes a toll on them physically.

Occasional episodes of sleepwalki­ng aren’t considered to be cause for concern. However, if you suspect that you’re experienci­ng repeated incidents, we think it’s wise to check in with your family doctor. Sleepwalki­ng accounts for the majority of sleep-related injuries, and it can cause drowsiness and exhaustion due to interrupte­d sleep. The condition can also be a sign of an undiagnose­d sleep disorder or other medical condition. There is no

known cure for sleepwalki­ng. Your doctor can help you to identify potential triggers and suggest ways to create a safer environmen­t to prevent

injury. Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health.

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