Times Standard (Eureka)

Tackling teenagers and shaving issues

- Amy Dickinson

DEAR READERS » Every year I step away from my daily column to work on other creative projects. I’ve gathered some topical “Best Of” columns from 10 years ago. Today’s compilatio­n deals with questions related to teenagers. I’ll be back in two weeks with fresh columns.

DEAR AMY » I am a girl in my junior year of high school, and the volleyball coach won’t let me compete until I shave my underarms and legs (our uniforms are sleeveless tops and shorts).

I don’t want to be forced into something I feel is completely unnecessar­y. Is this discrimina­tion? Is there anything I can do? I really want to play volleyball! — Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

DEAR GONE » If your coach also insisted that the male volleyball or basketball players must shave their underarms and legs, then perhaps this wouldn’t qualify as discrimina­tion.

I shared your letter with Lenora Lapidus, director of the Women’s Rights Project for the American Civil Liberties Union, who responded, “This is clearly gender discrimina­tion, based on stereotype­s of how girls and women should look.” Lapidus would like to remind your coach that Title IX prohibits discrimina­tion in any institutio­n receiving federal funds.

Lapidus suggests you start by talking to the coach. “Try to work it out at school. It seems like something they should come around about because this is fairly clear-cut.”

If your coach insists on this shaving rule, take it to the principal.

I hope you will stand up for your right not to be forced to shave.

DEAR AMY » I have an older brother. He and I are close. I usually hang out with him and his friends. They’re all teens. His friends are really nice, but when we are in school, they sometimes ignore me when they see me. I feel confused about why they act like that.

Whenever we go out and do stuff together, they talk to me, but when we are in school, it’s like I’m invisible. What is wrong with me? Is something wrong with them? — Confused

DEAR CONFUSED » There is nothing wrong with you, and there is nothing wrong with them. They’re being unexceptio­nally normal. They have temporary teen-onset family blindness. They are going through a phase.

Their behavior isn’t personal. You probably notice that your brother also ignores your parents when you’re out in public together?

To sum up: Sometimes it’s no fun to be related to a teenager.

You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: askamy@amydickins­on. com and follow her on Twitter @askingamy.

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