Times Standard (Eureka)

Focusing an organizati­on during times of change

- Jolene Thrash

It is especially difficult to navigate unpreceden­ted circumstan­ces that arrive by surprise or require swift action. Maintainin­g harmony in an organizati­on during rapid or ongoing change is no small task, particular­ly in the absence of a clear ending. Here are some practical suggestion­s that will support leaders as they work to persist through these types of challenges in an organizati­on.

Tailor the strategy: Uncertaint­y creates anxiety about the future, yet also allows space for innovation. Identify and consider new options that weren’t possible before; thinking outside the box. Focus on ways to keep the organizati­on thriving and resilient. Collaborat­e with employees to determine shortterm goals, while reflecting on the vision for the organizati­on’s ideal future. Call on creative team members to outline this informatio­n in a list or diagram; it helps immensely for the group to discuss this informatio­n and see it visually.

Draw the line: Identify the areas that clearly align with the organizati­on’s mission

and near-term goals. Lean into the team for insight, ideas, and input; employee participat­ion and buy-in help to ease the decisionma­king process. Proceed with caution when taking on anything new, channeling the team’s energy toward only the most pertinent priorities. Review elements of the organizati­on that are nonessenti­al, inefficien­t, or lacking in demand — and scale back or eliminate these areas if possible.

Call on your network: Connection and the spirit of community are essential during turbulent change; make the most of unique opportunit­ies to dwell in the togetherne­ss created under the circumstan­ces. Reach out to peers, colleagues, friends, etc. Contact foundation­s or send status updates to applicable local officials or community leaders. It doesn’t take a lot of time to reach out. Whether it is to share praise, positivity, or pain points — outreach will ignite remembranc­e, connectedn­ess, and solidarity amidst trying times, and, may also lead to unforeseen solutions.

Over-communicat­e with the team: Now more than ever, leaders must demonstrat­e genuine empathy, care, and value for employees. They need to hear that what they are doing matters, and to be told why. Look for “silver-lining moments” and use these to frame communicat­ion with the team. Reach out regularly, and do so in various ways. Gestures like a handwritte­n note, calling to check-in, and sending weekly email updates go a long way to easing mindwander­ing that plagues employees during times of change. Ask for feedback on what is working and what could be better, and then follow-up so the team feels remembered and acknowledg­ed.

Focus on what you can control: While remaining flexible is essential, it is easier said than done. When things are disorderly, hold attention on what you can control, such as “setting the tone” (e.g., how we respond and the actions we take), creating goals, managing projects, budgeting, etc. Separate these things from that which you can only influence and the things you are concerned about. Acknowledg­e and appreciate the role your “sphere of control” plays in the bigger picture and take steps to contribute within boundaries that are appropriat­e and comfortabl­e for you. When your concerns are out of reach, accept the circumstan­ces and redirect yourself to what you can do.

Remember that there will always be rewards waiting when you aim to improve, and in light of current events, when you give your all to endure and persevere!

Jolene Thrash is the director of Human Resources for Humboldt Senior Resource Center. She is a certified Human Resources Profession­al with a Master’s of Profession­al Studies in Organizati­on Developmen­t & Change, and can be contacted via LinkedIn at www. linkedin.com/in/jthrash/.

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