Times Standard (Eureka)

Land of the unfree

- By Robert P. Alvarez Robert P. Alvarez is a media relations associate at the Institute for Policy Studies. This op-ed was distribute­d by OtherWords.org.

When I was a child, I learned to believe that Americans valued freedom and equality more than any other place on the planet. I learned that, in our criminal justice system, we were innocent until proven guilty.

It’s hard to still believe that now.

Call me a cynic, but as Independen­ce Day approaches, I can’t help but think about how unfree America truly is, particular­ly for people of color.

Police are choking us to death on camera like George Floyd, and shooting us to death in our sleep like Breonna Taylor. And when we’re not being killed by police, we’re locked in cages guarded by correction­al officers.

One out of five incarcerat­ed people in the world is locked up here in the land of the free.

That’s more than 2.3 million people — greater than the population of 16 U.S. states. And the $190 billion we spend each year on mass incarcerat­ion is higher than the GDP of 22 states.

This obsession with criminaliz­ation is driven by structural racism.

Around 60 percent of America’s incarcerat­ed people are Black or Latinx, despite those two groups making up just 30 percent of the country’s population. Black and Latinx folks consistent­ly receive longer, harsher penalties for the same crimes white folks commit.

So much for equality. But “innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t hold up so well, either.

Roughly two-thirds of the 740,000 people in local jails right now are locked up in pretrial detention. That means they haven’t been convicted of the crime they were arrested for. And again, a disproport­ionate number of them are Black and Latinx.

But the good news is we’re in the middle of a cognitive shift.

Millions of people have had it with being criminaliz­ed because they’re poor or have melanin in their skin. And millions of white people, including many in socalled Trump country, are now standing up to say that has to end, too.

This year, let’s celebrate Independen­ce Day by reorientin­g our institutio­ns away from mass incarcerat­ion and radically re-imagining our criminal justice system. Maybe then we can lay claim to the freedom and equality we’ve celebrated for centuries, but seldom practiced.

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