Times Standard (Eureka)

Biopsy is only way for definitive diagnosis

- By Dr. Eve Glazier Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health.

Dear Doctor: I’m 30 years old, and I have a lump in my breast, which imaging tests suggest is a fibroadeno­ma. I’m getting married in six months, and I am leaning toward having a biopsy so I won’t worry during my wedding and honeymoon. With the COVID-19 pandemic, is it selfish of me to have the biopsy right now?

Dear Reader: It’s understand­able that, even with reassuring results from a mammogram and an ultrasound, you want a definitive diagnosis. As you mentioned in your letter, the only way to achieve that is with a biopsy. However, due to the pandemic, many hospitals have been forced to shift their attention and resources to dealing with COVID-19 patients, and some have put elective surgeries and routine medical care on hold. This means that decisions that in normal times would have been fairly straightfo­rward have now become complex issues.

Let’s start with what we do know. Your radiologis­t has reported that the imaging tests you’ve undergone suggest the mass in your breast is a fibroadeno­ma, which is a benign tumor. It’s made up of both connective and glandular tissue, and it typically feels hard and smooth to the touch. Fibroadeno­mas are the most common type of noncancero­us growth in young women between the ages of 15 and 35.

Some are so small that they can only be seen in a scan, while larger ones are discovered through touch, as during a monthly breast selfexam. No matter the size, in most cases fibroadeno­mas don’t play a role in risk for breast cancer.

The good news is that imaging techniques are quite good at differenti­ating between benign masses, such as fibroadeno­mas and cysts, and those that are malignant. When a benign growth is discovered via imaging, it is often recommende­d that a follow-up scan be performed within six months. If the results of the subsequent imaging tests raise a red flag, then the next step is a biopsy.

This is a surgical procedure in which a small sample is removed from the suspicious tissue and sent to a pathology lab to be looked at under a microscope. It’s only when the tissue is examined at the cellular level that a pathologis­t can state conclusive­ly if the mass is benign or malignant.

A woman’s age adds another layer to the decision-making process here. When a woman is in her teens and 20s, benign causes for a breast mass are considered to be more likely. But that changes for women in their 30s, particular­ly now, as we are seeing more young women diagnosed with breast cancer. In your case, it would be wise to seek guidance from both the radiologis­t who performed and interprete­d your scans and your family doctor. This type of biopsy is usually an outpatient procedure that can be performed in a surgical center rather than in a hospital operating room. Wherever you go, check that you are comfortabl­e with the safety protocols that are in place. If your particular region is not hardhit by the COVID-19 pandemic, and if your medical team agrees that a biopsy is a better choice for you than watchful waiting, there’s nothing selfish about moving forward.

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