Times Standard (Eureka)

Change is here, Humboldt

- Lynette Mullen is an independen­t project manager and local historian. She is also Nordic Aquafarms Humboldt County Community Liaison. She can be reached at lynette.mullen@gmail. com.

Paulo Coelho, author of “The Alchemist,” noted that “Life takes us by surprise and orders us to move toward the unknown — even when we don’t want to and when we think we don’t need to.”

This has never been more apparent in Humboldt. While many are anxious that change is coming, in reality it is already here. Global warming and wildfires sent change our way, as did the pandemic and a growing recognitio­n that Humboldt can be the answer for steadfast California­ns seeking a different kind of California.

Change arrived when our wind became more than the bane for those with cheap umbrellas and the state decided Humboldt State University could be our next polytech. Change arrived when Nordic Aquafarms recognized Humboldt as the perfect place to locate their $500 million fish farm and the overseas cable guys picked our peninsula as the perfect landing place.

President John F. Kennedy noted that “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.” Yet fear of change is so prevalent, there’s even a phobia about it: metathesio­phobia. It makes sense, as fear stems from knowing change is coming while not knowing how it will impact your life, job, home, family or community. Fear comes when you suspect you’ll have no control over those outcomes.

So what do we do? You’ll find a lot (no, a LOT) of advice online on how to cope with and manage change. A conversati­on about Engaging Community in Change is even included in this year’s Future Forward, 2021 Redwood Coast Region Economic Summit.

Community members can also engage more directly with those involved in local changes. People can (and should) ask questions and voice concerns. HSU conducted multiple outreach meetings when preparing their Cal Poly Humboldt Prospectus. Nordic Aquafarms continues to reach out to community members to provide project informatio­n and address questions and concerns. The permitting process for the Nordic project will also include a public comment and engagement period. No doubt the community will also have ample opportunit­y to weigh in as the offshore wind farm moves forward.

Changes in our community are coming fast and furious. We can sit idly by and risk slipping into metathesio­phobia, or we can become active agents in the changes impacting our live. We can engage in positive and productive ways to help ensure these changes will continue to enhance and grow the Humboldt we love.

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