Times Standard (Eureka)

Tapeworm causes neurologic­al symptoms

- By Dr. Eve Glazier Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Send your questions to askthedoct­ors@mednet.ucla.edu. Ow

Dear Doctors: There was a story in the news recently about a man who had a tapeworm living in his brain. Our two teenage boys also saw it and are now obsessed. They’re grossed out and fascinated, and they are asking lots of questions. An explanatio­n would be welcome.

Dear Reader: You’re referring to a case study that, because of the startling details, jumped from the New England Journal of Medicine into the news cycle. It concerns a 38-yearold man in Boston who was rushed to the emergency room after he fell out of bed, then became combative, disoriente­d and began speaking gibberish.

During his exam in the E.R., which included lab tests that ruled out liver or kidney dysfunctio­n, the man suffered a prolonged seizure. Due to the fact that he had no other health issues, and with the important clue that he had previously lived in a rural part of Central America, the doctors began to suspect they were dealing with a parasitic infection. Detailed brain scans revealed three distinctiv­e lesions, and a diagnosis emerged.

The cause of the man’s seizures, as well as his altered mental state, was neurocysti­cercosis. That’s the most severe form of a parasitic infection known as cysticerco­sis, which can occur when someone ingests the eggs of the pork tapeworm. Although rare in the U.S., cysticerco­sis is found worldwide. It’s most common in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, South America and Central America, where the patient was from.

To understand what happened to the patient, we need to look at the life cycle of the pork tapeworm. It includes a stage of developmen­t known as larval cysts, which are fluid-filled sacs that contain the immature stage of the parasite. When tapeworm eggs are ingested, they hatch inside the body. The resulting larval cysts can enter the bloodstrea­m and circulate, becoming lodged in the muscles, eyes and brain. In neurocysti­cercosis, the prefix “neuro” indicates that tapeworm larvae have reached the tissues of the brain.

Larval cysts can grow to considerab­le size. In a different case, which also made the news, surgeons were operating on a patient they believed had brain cancer. Instead of a tumor, though, they found a larval cyst the size of a quail’s egg in the patient’s brain. When they cut it open, a small tapeworm was inside.

Larval cysts can be transmitte­d via the fecal matter of an infected person. This can happen when the carrier fails to wash their hands properly after using the bathroom. They can transfer tapeworm eggs and larvae to any surface they touch, including food. Someone who eats that food or touches those surfaces and then touches their mouth is at risk of infection.

Neurocysti­cercosis is a serious condition. It can cause the seizures and altered mental state that the patient you heard about was experienci­ng. It can also lead to death. The patient was fortunate to have a good outcome. Antiparasi­tic agents and anti-seizure medication­s were used to prevent a return of the seizures. But because the larval cysts caused structural changes to his brain, he is expected to continue taking anti-seizure medication­s for the foreseeabl­e future.

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