Times Standard (Eureka)

Trying to forgive a harsh father

- By Harriette Cole Harriette Cole is a lifestylis­t and founder of DREAMLEAPE­RS, an initiative to help people access and activate their dreams. You can send questions to askharriet­te@ harriettec­ole.com or c/o Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n, 1130 Walnut St., Kan

Dear Harriette: I have spent years being mad at my father about things that he did and said to me when I was a child. I grew up in his household, and he was harsh. He was a taskmaster, and he expected everyone in the family to do exactly what he said, or else suffer his glaring eye. I was so mad at him because I felt like he didn’t love me. He was rarely warm or kind.

My father has been dead a long time now. As I look at my own kids and those of friends, I realize that his lessons pushed me to excel. A lot of kids today are complacent and get away with not striving to be their best. My father’s methods worked. I still wish he were kinder, but I see the impact he had on my life, and it turns out it was good. He drove me to be responsibl­e and successful.

My father is long gone. How can I forgive him and teach my children the benefits he gave me? I don’t usually talk about him kindly. — Perspectiv­e

Dear Perspectiv­e: It’s great that you finally see some value in your father’s approach to parenting and life. This refreshed understand­ing should help you to forgive him. Next, you can begin to tell your children about him and the lessons he taught you. Be honest. He was harsh and consistent with his values and rules, and often, that upset you. Tell them. But also explain that because of how strict he was, you have developed a discipline and drive that have served you well. Attempt to teach your children the lessons he instilled in you, but without the hard edge. Point out when they are slacking and what the consequenc­es may be.

Dear Harriette: I am a college student, and I share a dorm room with a girl who is pretty nice, but she has boundary issues. My roommate is constantly “borrowing” my stuff. She uses my shampoo. She will wear a sweater that’s hanging in my closet if it matches her outfit better than her own sweater. She will even eat my food if it’s in the refrigerat­or and she is hungry.

I grew up in a household where people were constantly “borrowing” stuff from me, and I hated it. This person is not related to me, and I’m not having it. How can I get my point across without being rude? — Hands Off

Attempt to teach your children the lessons he instilled in you, but without the hard edge.

Dear Hands Off: Sit down with your roommate and have a direct conversati­on with her. Tell her that you do not like to share your stuff. This includes clothing, food, toiletries, etc. In the future, if she wants to borrow something of yours, tell her she must ask and get your permission. Otherwise, she should assume that the answer is no.

Begin to label the food that you put in the refrigerat­or. Store your clothing in drawers, if at all possible. Keep your toiletries in a shower caddy in your personal area. Make it hard for her to invade your space. That may help.

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