Times Standard (Eureka)

Paint sets prompt creativity

Exhibit features artwork by children living in Mexicali migrant shelter

- By Maureen McGarry

Physical barriers between nations exist all over the world. Currently, 20 walls separate 50 countries, with more being planned. Prior to the pandemic, I drove past our wall at the U.S./Mexico border, visiting migrant shelters in Tijuana many times.

After a three-year pandemic pause, I returned to the border in February 2023 to visit a shelter in Mexicali. Starting from the east side of San Diego, I picked up my friend, Hugo Castro, an advisory board member of Gente Unida, a human rights border coalition. We drove past the wall as it cut through the coastal mountains and desert valleys by Interstate 8, then Highway 98, at the bottom edge of California.

Ascending into the southernmo­st tip of Cleveland National Forest, I was struck by the harshness of the terrain. Brushy plants are low to the ground. Large and small boulders are scattered on the dry, sandy earth. This barren landscape continues as the highway gradually climbs to over 4,000 feet.

Arriving at Jacumba Hot Springs, a small community sitting right on the border line where the wall runs behind a cluster of small buildings, we walked up to the endless row of steel posts planted across a large flat area. In the distance, the wall climbs over hills and disappears from sight. The 30-foot tall barrier, with a slightly shorter section topped by wide coils of razor wire, seemed impenetrab­le.

Passing through thorny bushes grabbing at my hair and clothing, I stood on the road next to the wall, which is traveled by border patrol vehicles every 10 minutes. When I looked at the large expanse of divisivene­ss, rather than security, I saw the failure to embrace a more global world.

Back on the highway and descending into the desert, the life-threatenin­g aspect of illegal crossing became more evident. Because of the taller wall, crossing the border means accessing areas that are more remote and dangerous. Migrants must travel slowly in the dark. There are snakes and tarantulas. And the smugglers (aka coyotes) who guide the migrants do not stop for anyone if they falter. Somehow, the enormous wall is scaled in the blink of the watchful eyes of patrollers.

Looking at the long straight line cutting through the flat desert as we drove eastward, it was hard to imagine what it would be like to make the illegal and desperate effort through this stark landscape. Although vast and beautiful in the winter, in the summer it can be deadly. Temperatur­es can reach 120 F by midmorning.

Arriving in Calexico, it was swift passage through the Port of Entry into Mexicali. Eight blocks in at the Posada del Migrante, an old motel converted into a migrant shelter with 300 residents, 80 of them children, we were greeted by smiling and curious faces. The children sat down around tables anxiously waiting to see what happened next. Art materials were passed out. With the generous support of donations, every child received a watercolor paint set and paintbrush, a piece of watercolor paper taped onto cardboard, a container of water and a sharpened pencil. After a few instructio­ns, the painting began. Parents watched from the sidelines, a few joining in. Thankfully, there were enough supplies for everyone. Art ensued for two hours. Humboldt-donated bags of beans, rice, wheat flour and corn masa were brought in from my car.

A group photo of the some of the children came together at the end, although they had to hold

their paintings in front of their faces for anonymity. Everyone was very thankful and a bit surprised by the visit and the donations.

Migrants in this shelter are hoping for financial security and personal safety in the U.S. Poverty, crop failure due to climate change and the violent threats by drug cartels and gang-related violence are real to them, and can mean life or death.

After an hour and a half wait at the Port of Entry, I said goodbye to Hugo and sped northbound onto California Highway 111. As I blasted northward toward freedom, I thought of all those I was leaving behind our border wall in a crowded shelter in Mexicali, all hoping for that same freedom someday.

Paintings are on display by children from the Cobina Posada del Migrante in Mexicali at Los Bagels in Arcata and Eureka. The paintings were given to the Humboldt community by the children in thanks for the food and art supplies they received from generous local donors.*

 ?? PHOTOS COURTESY OF MAUREEN MCGARRY ?? “The American Dream” and other works by children at Posada del Migrante are on display at Los Bagels in Eureka and Arcata.
PHOTOS COURTESY OF MAUREEN MCGARRY “The American Dream” and other works by children at Posada del Migrante are on display at Los Bagels in Eureka and Arcata.
 ?? ?? Children at the Posada del Migrante use their new paints to make colorful creations.
Children at the Posada del Migrante use their new paints to make colorful creations.

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