Times Standard (Eureka)

Measure A would hurt small farmers


I'm writing today regarding the Humboldt County Cannabis Reform Initiative, Measure A. I am an advocate for Humboldt County cannabis farmers, especially small farmers, and stand in opposition to Measure A.

Measure A will disadvanta­ge Humboldt County cannabis farmers, including small farmers, in the statewide marketplac­e. If Measure A were a statewide initiative, leveling the playing field for cannabis farmers statewide, I would reconsider my position, but to further disadvanta­ge Humboldt County farmers compared to farmers in other counties, as Measure A proposes to do, at this critical time when farmers are already struggling to survive is short sighted. Humboldt County farmers need our support, not this final nail in the coffin.

The proponents have portrayed Measure A as protecting small farmers, but I have not heard a single small farmer in support of Measure A. One of the struggles small farmers have voiced is, “the regulators keep moving the goal post.” Measure A represents another slide of the “goal post” causing harm to Humboldt County farmers.

I am also concerned about the divide in our community around

Measure A. Both the proponents and Humboldt County farmers are our friends and neighbors, and we can oppose this ballot initiative without dragging us all through the mud. When the chips are down, I hope we all remember that what we all want is a more resilient sustainabl­e community and that is why I am encouragin­g you to join me in voting no on Measure A. — Nate Madsen, Petrolia

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