Times Standard (Eureka)

Is this the `do-less-than-nothing' Congress?

- By Don Allen Don Allen is a Trinidad resident.

The Republican-led Congress is a clown show. This Congress is the least productive since the 1930s (HuffPost, 2/7/24). We called the Republican/Tea Party-led Congress of the early 2000s the do-nothing Congress. This one is even less productive, so I guess they are the do-less-thannothin­g Congress? The Republican­s have been demanding border policy reform but when the Biden administra­tion says OK to pretty much all the provisions they are demanding, they refuse to bring it to the floor for a vote because they don't want to give Biden a win. Instead, they try (and fail) to impeach the Homeland Security Secretary!

They keep screaming that the economy is a mess even though job growth remains strong, inflation is down, the stock market is up, and the all-important gauge of economic well-being, gas prices, are down. The last administra­tion bungled the COVID response and let the economy go down the toilet. Biden rescued it and put it back on sound footing, similar to what Obama did after Bush II ruined the economy and racked up a huge national debt through his illegal wars and tax breaks for the ultrarich. The MAGA leader keeps lying and lying, keeps losing in court, and yet his followers are more rabid than ever in their blind devotion to him. We can blame the extreme right-wing news outlets that dominate the airwaves for a large part of that sad dynamic but blame doesn't get us anywhere, voting does. Unfortunat­ely, the areas that will decide the next president are subjected to extreme voter suppressio­n and gerrymande­ring — two key parts of the Republican strategy.

The MAGA leader himself said that if we have fair elections, Republican­s would never control Congress or have their candidate win the presidency. The MAGA leader may not even be allowed to be on the ballot in some states due to his criminal acts. Personally, I would rather see him lose at the ballot box and prove that the American voting public is smart enough to see through his con. Despite having the deck stacked against us, I think the American people are finally seeing through the lies and deceptions and are ready to soundly defeat the right-wing extremists and restore some sanity to this country.

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