Times Standard (Eureka)

Vote April Van Dyke for local judge


I have worked alongside April Van Dyke for several years both as a secretary for Humboldt County and as a paralegal in other capacities. I am proud to witness April's dedication and diligence as an attorney in Humboldt County consistent­ly challengin­g the status quo in an unadultera­ted fight for justice! We need change in this county and April is here to bring it!

April believes in the criminal justice system, upholding the rights of each person as the law was intended to do and holding those accountabl­e when they abuse it. Recently referred to as the “cop hater,” I know her as the attorney who meticulous­ly combed through thousands of pages of police reports and public records requests for each law enforcemen­t agency in Humboldt County; exposing officers who had broken the law, repeatedly and held them accountabl­e for it. I know April as the attorney who brought the first Racial Justice Act motion in Humboldt County and additional­ly in that same case won a Brady Motion because the Humboldt County District Attorney's Office neglected to provide exculpator­y informatio­n on an involved officer. “Cop hate,r” no! “Upholding the law,” absolutely!

I want a judge who recognizes the rights of the citizens, values the Constituti­on and without question stands firmly in the law. Our community deserves to have honesty and equality restored to the Humboldt Superior Court Bench and I know in April, we will see Justice with Integrity. I hope you will join me in voting April4Judg­e! — Emma Arnold, Eureka

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