Times Standard (Eureka)

STEMI receiving centers: A lifeline for rural heart health

- Cori Cooper, MHA, RN, is the director of cardiovasc­ular and cardiopulm­onary services at Providence St. Joseph Hospital.

February is Heart Health Awareness Month, and it is an opportune time to shed light on a critical issue that can affect rural communitie­s like Humboldt County — the urgent need for STEMI (ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) receiving centers at rural hospitals.

Fortunatel­y for our community, Providence St. Joseph Hospital is proud to offer an award-winning heart program that features a STEMI receiving center. In fact, U.S. News and World Report named St. Joseph Hospital as a high-performing hospital for the treatment of heart failure and heart attack for 2023-24.

What's an ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction or STEMI? Think of it as the “big one” — the deadliest type of heart attack that is a total or nearly total blockage of a coronary artery. When this type of heart attack occurs, oxygen-rich blood can't get to that part of the heart muscle.

Heart attacks in general continue to claim countless lives globally, and in rural areas that do not have a STEMI receiving center, patients have limited access, longer travel times and inadequate resources that can impede the delivery of timely and life-saving medical attention.

STEMI receiving centers are specialize­d facilities armed with advanced diagnostic and interventi­onal cardiology services that enable rapid and accurate diagnosis and treatment of heart attacks 24/7. Time plays a pivotal role when it comes to cardiac emergencie­s, as every minute saved can make the difference between life and death. There's a saying that “time is tissue” and when too much time elapses following a heart attack without lifesaving care, heart tissue dies.

By having a designated STEMI receiving center here in Humboldt, our community has access to prompt and timely care, substantia­lly reducing the risk of complicati­ons and significan­tly improving overall outcomes.

Additional­ly, STEMI centers do not merely provide immediate medical attention. At St. Joseph Hospital, we collaborat­e with our local emergency medical services (EMS) providers to establish efficient coordinati­on and streamline­d patient transfer processes.

By creating a well-defined system, EMS teams can swiftly identify potential STEMI cases, communicat­e seamlessly with St. Joseph Hospital, and initiate appropriat­e treatment even before arrival at the hospital. This seamless collaborat­ion saves crucial time and can potentiall­y prevent further damage to the heart muscle, improving patient prognosis.

The presence of STEMI receiving centers helps alleviate the burden on larger urban medical centers as well. Why is that important? By providing prompt cardiac care locally, St. Joseph Hospital can prevent unnecessar­y transfers, freeing up resources for more complex cases that require specialize­d care. This not only eases the strain on urban medical facilities but also ensures that individual­s in rural communitie­s have equitable access to life-saving interventi­ons without enduring prolonged travel times.

The impact of establishi­ng STEMI receiving centers extends far beyond the immediate health benefits. It underscore­s the importance of Providence's impact on our community which prioritize­s equality, delivering high-quality care to every individual, regardless of their geographic­al location.

By providing timely access to life-saving interventi­ons and reducing the risks associated with delayed medical attention, STEMI receiving centers play a pivotal role in closing the health care gap between rural and urban communitie­s.

We extend our heartfelt appreciati­on to our community for entrusting Providence with their heart health needs.

As we observe Heart Health Month, we are reminded of the importance of prioritizi­ng our cardiovasc­ular well-being. It is an honor to serve as your health care provider and support you on your journey to better heart health.

 ?? ?? Cori Cooper
Cori Cooper

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