Times Standard (Eureka)

Measure A attracts broad range of opposition

- — Ross Gordon, Arcata

I'm proud to live in a county that's home to hundreds of small, legal cannabis farmers, rather than the few largescale operations that dominate other regions of California. And I'm voting no on Measure A because, if passed, it's clear to me that large-scale farms outside the county, alongside the illicit market, will be the only winners.

Humboldt's existing cannabis rules were developed based on dozens of public meetings with small farmers, environmen­tal groups, tribes, and regulators seeking to reach common-ground solutions. By contrast, Measure A was written by an out-of-county law firm with no opportunit­y for public review by locals before it was finalized. The result is a poorly written ordinance that has garnered opposition from every segment of our community, from law enforcemen­t and city councils to environmen­talists and small farmers.

Having read Measure A's 38 pages, it's clear to me why the measure is opposed by such a diverse coalition. Nearly all of the dozens of poorly written restrictio­ns in the measure apply to all Humboldt cultivator­s, regardless of size. And many of these restrictio­ns — such as the measure's broad definition of cultivatio­n “expansion,” which would heavily restrict any increase in on-farm structures — would be downright punitive.

We should listen to our local small farmers who have universall­y opposed this measure. Effective regulation depends on rewarding good behavior, and disincenti­vizing bad behavior; and when our small, regenerati­ve farmers are the ones opposed, it's clear that something's not right. Please join me in voting no.

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