Times Standard (Eureka)

State of the Union

- Matthew Owen resides in Eureka and believes the First Amendment allows for free speech. He can be reached at mowen707@gmail.com.

Thank you, Fox News, for lowering the country's expectatio­n of President Biden's State of the Union (SOTU) address. Sleepy Joe wasn't the feeble old man that Fox told you he was. Instead, Biden had a skip to his step. He shook hands with everyone he knew in Congress, and remember, Biden was in the Senate for almost 40 years. It took him forever to get to the floor of Congress as he was gladhandin­g and enjoying every minute of his introducti­on, except for the shock on his face when he saw Marjorie Taylor Greene with her red MAGA cap. Priceless! For a supposed senile zombie, he ad-libbed all night long, verbally jousting with the obnoxious GOP.

Biden opened with, “Good evening. If I were smart, I'd go home now.” Then he came out swinging. He contrasted himself with the former dude by never mentioning his name and calling him “my predecesso­r” 13 times. “History is watching. Just like history watched three years ago on Jan. 6 when insurrecti­onists stormed this very Capitol and placed a dagger to the throat of American democracy. Here's the simple truth: You can't love your country only when you win.”

He went after the three male Supreme Court Justices in attendance. Thanks for codifying Roe v. Wade as law of the land and letting women choose what to do with their own bodies. Oops, sorry, ya got rid of women's rights. Biden told them, “With all due respect, Justices, women are not without… electoral or political power.”

All night long, Biden challenged Republican­s. The Border Bill was crafted by Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), one of the most conservati­ve senators and had bipartisan support to pass Congress and have President Biden sign it into law. Then the former dude figured out that would make Biden look good, so he called the GOP to kill the bill. Best to fight about the border and not fix the border. President Biden brought it to their attention that it was a tough bill to help secure our border and the Republican­s in the audience booed him. That just made Biden smile, “Oh, you don't like that bill, huh? That conservati­ves got together and said it was a good bill.” Biden tore into them highlighti­ng how many additional border patrol agents, immigratio­n judges and asylum officers could have been hired to resolve immigratio­n cases in six months, instead of six years. Sen. Lankford mouthed, “That's true.”

The SOTU speech was a contrast to the political difference­s in our country today. Thanks to propaganda media, liberals and conservati­ves can't agree on anything today. I'm sad that our country has gotten so obscene. In the past, if the opposition President was giving their SOTU speech, you just sat there and didn't clap. Not anymore. Thanks to idiots like MTG, who heckle a president during his speech, great swaths of this country think it's perfectly acceptable to be rude and crude.

Greene shouted to Biden to say the name of Laken Riley, the Georgia college student killed last month by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela. Biden held up the button Greene gave him and said, “Laken Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. That's right. But how many thousands of people are being killed by legals?” Bam! Said her name and the word “illegal.” Shut the Republican­s right up.

Sitting in her spotless kitchen, Sen. Katie Britt (RAL) gave the post-SOTU Republican rebuttal speech. Her halting style of speech was like watching a bad actor's audition tape. I thought I was watching an AI deepfake. “We… are the party… of hardworkin­g parents… and families.” There goes all the single, childless, divorced or widowed Republican­s. The goal was to attract suburban moms, but she came off like a religious zealot Stepford wife (wearing her cross necklace).

While the Republican­s are constantly saying, “Are you better off today than four years ago?” The resounding answer is “Yes!” The stock market has more than doubled since March 2020. Inflation has declined from 9.1%, down to 3.1% today. Under Trump, the unemployme­nt rate spiked to 14.3%, today it's down to 3.9%. In March 2020, wages were growing at 3.5%, today they're growing at 5.0%. Wages are up. Minimum wage is up (except in Red states). Unemployme­nt is down. The stock market is at an all-time high. Damn right, we're better off today than four years ago! Now if only billionair­es and corporatio­ns paid their fair share of taxes.

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