Times Standard (Eureka)

A bad week for conservati­ves

- Matthew Owen resides in Eureka and believes the First Amendment allows for free speech. He can be reached at mowen707@gmail.com.

Last Sunday night, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH4) went on “60 Minutes” and it could not have gone worse. Jordan tried to argue that the tech companies shouldn't remove what they call “misinforma­tion.” Jordan said. “I think you let the American people, respect the American people, their common sense to figure out what is accurate and what isn't.”

When Leslie Stahl asked, “Well, what about this idea that the 2020 election was stolen? You think that these companies should allow people to say that and individual­s can make up their own mind?”

Jordan interrupte­d, “I think the American people are smart. Look, what I've said is that there are concerns about the 2020 election. I think Americans agree with that.”

Stahl pounced, “No, they don't.”

Jordan: “You don't think there were concerns with the 2020 election?”

Stahl responded, “Most people don't question the results. They don't question whether Biden won or not. Right? Biden won the election. Right? Most people don't question the outcome.”

As Stahl stared at Jordan, he froze up like a deer in headlights, knowing as a Republican he could never say Biden won and Trump's a loser. Otherwise, his base, who believes the 2020 election lies, wouldn't re-elect him.

Ronna McDaniel was recently fired as RNC (Republican National Committee) chair by the former dude, so she tried a stint at NBC as a paid contributo­r on Sunday morning's “Meet the Press.” MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell lambasted McDaniel. “She changed her name to keep her former boss happy.” What kind of person does that? What kind of boss demands that? Her former name was Ronna Romney McDaniel and the former dude hates Mitt Romney. O'Donnell continued, “I stopped inviting Trump liars, like her, on this program in 2016.” Chuck Todd went off on Ronna, “There's a reason why there's a lot of journalist­s at NBC are uncomforta­ble with this. Because many of our profession­al dealings with the RNC over the last six years have been met with gaslightin­g, have been met with character assassinat­ion.” It lasted five days until she was fired.

A California State Bar judge ruled that Trump attorney John Eastman be disbarred. Judge Yvette Roland wrote, “Eastman's inaccurate assertions were lies that cannot be justified as zealous advocacy.” Eastman did what any grifter would do, he started a GiveSendGo account to grift the rubes claiming, “I'm the victim of radical left-wing lawfare.” Jefferey Clark is next.

HBOMax released the documentar­y, “The Truth vs. Alex Jones.” Jones runs InfoWars. com to get eyeballs watching his crazy rants. Sadly, the crazier his conspiracy theories, the higher his ratings, so he can sell vitamins, supplement­s, any product the rubes might buy. His ratings are higher than CNN. For years, Jones said the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was staged by actors so the Deep State can take your guns. 24% of the public (that's 80 million Americans) believes the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax. Jones was sued by Sandy Hook parents, lost the lawsuit and owes them $965 million in damages. Of course, Jones said, “It's a witch hunt!”

Mike “Pillow Guy” Lindell is the king of election machine conspiracy theories. His “My Pillow” business got evicted from their warehouse for unpaid rent. His business is so bad that even Fox News stopped running his My Pillow commercial­s over unpaid billings. He lost a recent judgment and owes $5 million to a man who debunked his “proof of election tampering” challenge.

American Conservati­ve Union chair Matt Schlapp's insurance company paid a $480,000 sexual harassment settlement. Schlapp heads the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference (CPAC) and allegedly made unwanted sexual advances, including groping and fondling a young man's groin without his consent and backed up his intentions with texts to the young man. Always cracks me up when conservati­ve married Republican­s are caught with their hands in the gay nookie jar.

Arizona Republican Kari Lake is really good at losing elections and then claiming, “It was rigged!” Lake admitted she lied and declined to prove that she didn't defame an Arizona election official. She's running for U.S. Senate and it ain't looking good as the majority of Arizona voters live in reality, not fantasy. Lake, of course, is saying, “It's a political witch hunt.”

If there is one thing you can count on from the conservati­ve propaganda echo chamber, it's misinforma­tion, conspiracy theories, grifting their rubes and gaslightin­g their base with lies.

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