Times Standard (Eureka)

Things seem out of balance with recognitio­n days

- By Pamela Cosel Pamela Cosel is a resident of Eureka.

I read with a bit of disdain the column by Keith Flamer, “CR celebrates pride month at campuses.” (Times-Standard, April 5, Page A2) My initial reaction was “not again.” Did we not just come through a national controvers­y over Biden's declaratio­n on Easter Sunday, putting “Transgende­r Day of Visibility” instead at the forefront? Don't we have October designated as LGBTQ+ History Month?

There is a Bisexual Awareness Day. National Coming Out Day. National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week. There is a Day of Silence in April. Lesbian Visibility Day, Internatio­nal Day Against Homophobia, Transphobi­a and Biphobia. Harvey Milk Day in May honors an assassinat­ed gay politician. The LGBTQ Pride Month is April, as noted by Flamer. Followed by Pulse Night of Remembranc­e. Then Internatio­nal Drag Day in July. Celebrate Bisexualit­y Day in September. Oh, and let's not forget Internatio­nal Pronouns Day in October, followed by Spirit Day, Asexuality Awareness Week, Intersex Awareness Day, then Intersex Day of Remembranc­e, Transgende­r Awareness Week, Transgende­r Day of Remembranc­e. It's all too much!

Why, Why, Why must we all focus on a person's sexual choices in life? Why must it constantly be shoved down the throats of civilizati­on? I, for one am sick of it. I have two gay family members — I'm not a homophobe. However, with only 7.6% (2023 Gallup Poll) of the population identifyin­g as LGBTQ+ — this designatio­n of days and months has gotten out of hand. I understand that population group feels mistreated. However, live and let live is what I say.

I would ask Flamer what percentage of CR students identify as LGBTQ+? I suspect it is much less than the 7.6% national rate. Yes, every person should be treated with dignity. If someone is homosexual, just let them be. Why do we have to celebrate what they do in the privacy of the bedrooms? It's time we give this all up, in my opinion.

Flamer wrote, “I invite every member of the college community to join us in this critical work.” And “Together we can make College of the Redwoods a beacon of inclusivit­y, respect, and empowermen­t.” Is that how CR is to be judged on its level of inclusivit­y, respect, and empowermen­t — by putting the focus on the sexuality of its students? Why not celebrate the graduation rates and accomplish­ments of its students instead, based on class performanc­e, instead of what they do in their bedrooms? Or how about we start to have a “Straight People Month?” and the like? Things are out of balance in this regard it seems.

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