Times Standard (Eureka)



What happens to plastic waste when left in the environmen­t?

A) It is a biodegrada­ble material so it eventually disintegra­tes.

B) It never fully goes away; it just breaks into little pieces.

C) There is no such thing as plastic waste; all plastic is recycled.

Answer: B. This was found to be true by Plastics at SEA (Sea Education Associatio­n) in its 2012 North Pacific expedition, a 36-day nautical research journey through the North Pacific down to the Hawaiian islands. The team was studying plastic pollution in the ocean and found that of the 66,077 pieces of plastic collected in samples, 95% were a few millimeter­s in size.

Why is plastic dangerous for marine life?

A) They mistake if for food and cannot digest it. B) They can get tangled in it, which hinders their ability to swim.

C) Bacteria on plastic can give coral diseases. D) All of above

Answer: D. Plastic tends to float, and bobbing on the surface can lead it to be mistaken for other marine life. Plastic bags are often mistaken for jellyfish by leatherbac­k turtles and consumed. Marine life also can get tangled in nets, cords and other plastic debris, which hinders their ability to swim and in some cases can be a severe choking hazard.

How many tons of plastic are dumped in our oceans every year?

A) 1 million B) 8 million C) 20 million D) 50 million

Answer: B. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, at least 8 million tons of plastic are dumped into oceans each year. That's the equivalent of dumping one garbage truck full of plastic into the ocean every minute.

How many marine species are harmed by plastic pollution?

A) 52 B) 693 C) 1,326 D) 5,489

Answer: B. A 2015 Plymouth University study compiled reports from around the world and found evidence of 44,000 animals becoming entangled in or swallowing plastic debris, accounting for 693 marine species. At least 17% are listed as threatened or near threatened.

What percentage of its plastic does the U.S. recycle?

A) 9% B) 35% C) 50% D) 75%

Answer: A. As of 2019, about 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic have been produced in the U.S., and of that, less than 9% has been recycled.

What percentage of U.S. crude oil consumptio­n does plastic production account for?

A) 1%

B) 5%

C) 30%

Answer: B. About 5% of total petroleum used in the U.S. goes toward plastic production, approximat­ely equivalent to 330 million barrels of oil a year.

On average, how long is a plastic bag used by a person before being thrown away?

A) 12 minutes B) 1 hour

C) 1 day

D) 1 week

Answer: A. According to the 5 Gyres Institute, 12 minutes is the average working life of a plastic bag before it is thrown away. Globally, 1 million plastic bags are used per minute and only 1% are recycled. Most make their way to the ocean, where they can take up to 20 years to decompose.

By what year do scientists predict plastic will outweigh fish in the ocean, pound for pound?

A) 2025

B) 2050

C) 2250

D) 3000

Answer: B. A report done by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation found there are more than 150 million tons of plastic in the oceans today. That is about 1 ton of plastic for every 3 tons of fish. Current trends will have plastic outweighin­g fish in the ocean by 2050.

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