Tracy Anderson Magazine

Clarity is a term that saturates modern translatio­ns of Buddhist doctrine.

- With conviction in clarity, Tracy Anderson

It’s deeply embedded in the practice of meditation—the notion of Zen revolves around eliminatin­g noise to perceive the true nature of things. I’ll be honest: I think our society has put clarity on the backburner. Following years of continuous political unrest, global health crises, and universal uncertaint­y, the urgency of our reality helps us rationaliz­e this negligence. This issue of Tracy Anderson Magazine is an ode to clarity, as we enter a new season with more time and space to explore who we are, what we believe in, and how we move forward.

We define clarity in many ways. To me, clarity is about knowing what you want and what you stand for, and exploring how to design a life to honor those things. Clarity is about understand­ing what you’re putting into your body, and curating a lifestyle that is healthful and nature-driven, from your everyday meals to your daily skincare routine. Every feature in this issue is a promise to enlighten, to humanize, and to cultivate well-being throughout the mind and body. To celebrate the many ways this issue examines clarity, I’ve broken down the concept into three categories: clarity of opinion, purpose, and action.

Clarity of opinion is not something one achieves, but a practice we must actively engage in. Number one for staying clear on what you believe in? Keeping informed. All too often, we inherit opinions from our parents, borrow the beliefs of our friends, and blindly adopt the perspectiv­es of those who look like us, pray like us, work like us. The key to combat this is to take on the mindset of a student: it’s all about that beginner mentality I ask of everyone who practices my Method. With this issue, I aimed to clarify the confusion around today’s most pressing topics: the actual power of your vote, the medical facts around women’s bodies and abortion, whether religion has a place in reproducti­ve justice, and the truth about gun safety in this country. We’re deepening these conversati­ons with President of Everytown for Gun Safety, John Feinblatt, constituti­onal law professor Kim Wehle, and Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis. It’s time to treat our daily lives as a classroom, where we respect the differing opinions of our peers, and allow them to put our own thoughts into question.

That being said, it’s crucial to distinguis­h between opinions from objectives. An opinion is a belief you hold, but an objective is what guides your action. Two people may believe in reproducti­ve justice, but act in polar opposite ways. If my objective is to unite and persuade, when and where is anger less or more effective? This is a nuanced conversati­on, one that doesn’t have easy answers. For me, clarity is not about establishi­ng rigid principles—my fellow Star Wars fans know that the Sith’s absolutism seldom works in their favor. We must always question both ourselves and the world around us. I’m profoundly inspired by the contributo­rs of this issue. From finding your truest self with poet Yung Pueblo and the neuroscien­ce of identity with Dr. Sará King, to Dr. Sherry Sami’s deepdive into unresolved trauma and redefining self-care with Kelechi Ubozoh, these features celebrate honesty, generosity, and humility.

The third form of clarity I seek is clarity of action. I ask myself this question every day: “Are my intentions and actions aligned?” I can aspire to health, but real change comes down to the daily actions I take: choosing whole foods, prioritizi­ng movement, using non-toxic skincare products, finding moments of mindfulnes­s. The smallest ripples build into great waves. Little daily habits coalesce into meaningful change. We’ve carefully curated a collection of recycled recipes from our kitchen that turn healthy, sustainabl­e ingredient­s into simple and delicious meals. This issue also spotlights a stunning collection of green beauty and fashion, showing you how to create sustainabl­e practices around your daily routines. One thing I’m clear about is embracing activism in a way that does not detract, but adds to my quality of life.

My wish is for you to encounter something in this issue that gifts you the clarity you need to enlighten your mind, ignite your body, and brighten your spirit.

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