Tracy Anderson Magazine


(serves 4)



For the meatballs:

½ lb organic, extra-lean ground turkey or chicken or fish

1 egg

2 Tbsp ground oats

1 Tbsp flax meal

½ tsp parsley, minced

½ tsp onion, grated

¼ tsp garlic, minced

¼ tsp fresh rosemary, minced ¼ tsp dried sage

¼ tsp ground black pepper ¼ tsp salt

For the homemade vegetable stock:

1½ quarts water

15 oz tomato purée

8 garlic cloves, minced

8 sprigs fresh parsley

2 stalks celery

2 large carrots

6 sprigs fresh thyme

1 large onion

1 bunch green onions, chopped 2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 2 bay leaves

2 tsp salt

5 tsp loose-leaf green tea (or 4 tea bags if loose-leaf is not available)

2 cans white beans

8 medium carrots

4 cups kale


1. Preheat oven to 375°F. 2. Stir together all meatball ingredient­s until everything is combined.

Coat hands with olive oil before forming turkey mixture (or chicken or fish mixture) into small (1-inch in diameter) meatballs. 3. Bake meatballs for 12 to 15 minutes, or until they reach an internal temperatur­e of 165°F (verify with a thermomete­r).

4. In a large pot, combine all vegetable stock ingredient­s and bring to a simmer, cooking for 25 to 30 minutes.

Let cool slightly before straining through a strainer lined with cheeseclot­h. Discard solids and reserve liquids.

5. Brew 1 quart of loose-leaf green tea using a glass or metal tea infuser.

6. Stir together 1 quart of vegetable stock and

1 quart of green tea in a large pot over medium heat. Once the broth is boiling, add the meatballs, beans, carrots, kale, and orzo (if desired). Reduce heat to medium and let simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in hot meatballs shortly before serving. 7. Season with salt and

pepper to taste and enjoy!

Reprinted from Spring 2020

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