Travel Guide to Florida

Get back to nature in Northwest Florida


Step into the quiet side of Florida, where life is slower, people still say hello and Mother Nature beckons you with a world of one-of-a-kind outdoor experience­s.

This multi-county region in the Florida Panhandle stretches from the historical lighthouse­s and fishing fleets of Franklin County in the east to the world-class, white- sand beaches of Walton County in the west. In between, you’ll find charming little towns with no stoplights; historic settlement­s; Native-American ceremonial sites; and rural roads with country stores selling unique treats along the way.

Discover a treasure trove of unspoiled havens where the beauty of Mother Nature takes your breath away. Outdoor recreation options range from golf on beautifull­y manicured greens to hiking trails, such as the Florida National Scenic Trail and the Great Florida Birding & Wildlife Trail, which meander through pristine wilderness and unique ecosystems, populated with birds and wildlife found nowhere else on Earth.

Charter a boat to fish for your dinner. Or glide along streams where you’re the only kayaker or canoeist as you enjoy serene, silent landscapes that haven’t changed in a million years.

Choose your adventure in one of America’s great natural wonderland­s. TOP: Birdwatchi­ng in St. Andrews State Park near Panama City Beach. BOTTOM: Cave divers.

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