

- Happy Trails, Kelly Nomura Editor/Brand Manager

As we wrap up this issue and send it off to the printer to eventually land into your hands, our world is going through an interestin­g time, something most of us have not yet experience­d in our lifetime. Mass hysteria, frenzy, hoarding, businesses forced to close their doors, unknown futures for so many … and hope that we all make it to the other side of the Coronaviru­s scare and can resume back to our regularly scheduled programs.

Like everyone else (I hope), I inventorie­d my home to see what I had on hand, what I should pick up, and, of course, how many rolls of toilet paper were within my walls. I thought, “Oh, I’ll pick up another four-pack and I’ll be ne.” Well, after I visited three crowded stores without a square in sight, I began to panic. I only had four rolls! Was that going to be enough?! Will I ever be able to get more?! What am I going to do?! Then I remembered, I have a couple rolls in my CAMPING GEAR!

Camping. Camping gear. Survival training. I am ne. And so are all the others like me who have bins of stuff to help them survive in the middle of nowhere. If you’ve attended a training class or two about rst aid at any event, you’re doing even better. That informatio­n stays in your subconscio­us to be released when triggered. Similarly, I feel that someone who spends a lot of time outdoors seeking adventure has a certain personalit­y type. He/she is most likely a problem solver, able to think quickly and swiftly, and is perfectly OK if they have to spend some time away from large crowds.

I’m sure like me, many of you inventorie­d your camping gear and gave some thought of what your next moves would be. Some people even took off for the week or longer to go “socially distance” themselves among the trees and wildlife. You see, we are not strangers to isolating ourselves or keeping the amount of people we interact with low. Heck, that’s our idea of fun.

By the time you get this issue, we may be past the storm and able to go to the movie theater again. If not, then it just means I’ll be seeing you out on the trail, enjoying some social distancing in a beautiful landscape surrounded by like-minded folks. Using this time to absorb the stillness and bring some calm to our usually over-the-top, busy country may not be such a bad thing. I wish everyone the best of health for themselves and their loved ones.

Thank you for joining us and for your continued support. We welcome your feedback and suggestion­s. Tell us what you want to see by reaching out on Instagram [@tread_magazine] or Facebook [­ine].

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