US Weekly

An interview with Lauren Kanski, Performix House trainer and consultant


Performix SST Glow appears to be the perfect nutritiona­l supplement. Not only does it accelerate your metabolism, but it also has beauty benefits. Can you explain to our readers how Performix SST Glow works?

I don’t take many supplement­s, as I believe that through a nutrient-rich diet we receive the majority of micronutri­ents needed by the body. However, that doesn’t mean we receive enough of the vitamins and minerals that are crucial to thrive in our busy daily schedules! Performix SST Glow gives me those extra nutrients and surge of energy throughout the day. It’s packed with Vitamin B12 (many people are usually deficient and it is a huge energy booster), Vitamin D3 (needed to absorb calcium, magnesium and phosphate to nourish your bones, cells and skin) and Niacin (which helps lower your risk of heart disease). It is also packed with a skin beautifyin­g complex that contains Lipowheat® (helps to hydrate your skin, fight against signs of aging, and create a soft and supple glow). It’s an all-in-one supplement that has taken me to the next level!

When it comes to beauty, many people who work out a lot deal with breakouts from sweat, etc. How do you take care of your skin?

Sweating and uncleanlin­ess found in standard gym environmen­ts can cause people who work out to be more prone to breakouts. Our skin is our largest organ, your body’s first line of defense and it has to be taken care from the inside out. Eating whole, nutritious foods and taking daily vitamins through supplement­s, such as SST Glow, are crucial for optimal internal skin care. Washing my face with a cleanser after every workout, completely removing my makeup at night before bed, and keeping my skin hydrated throughout the day, are also other ways to prevent unwanted issues.

What words of encouragem­ent would you share to women who are itching to change their lives—and their bodies—but are feeling unmotivate­d?

Always strive for progress not perfection. Overall health, wellness and happiness are not black or white, they are found in the gray space. Having the body of your dreams isn’t an end result or destinatio­n, it’s something you have to pursue and fight for every day. I have regretted missing a workout many times in my life, but I have NEVER regretted the elation after a good workout.

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