US Weekly

Art Imitating Life

These powerful women shared tragedies and triumphs in their must-read memoirs



In her debut book, Demi Moore goes beyond writing about her high-profile marriages to ex-husbands Bruce Willis and Ashton Kutcher. She also shares stories of childhood trauma and issues with substance abuse. “It’s exciting, and yet I feel very vulnerable,” she said of the tome’s release.


Former first lady Michelle Obama recalls her Chicago upbringing and her eight years in the White House — but also reveals fun facts, like when husband Barack wore “a white linen blazer that looked as if it’d come straight out of the

Miami Vice costume closet” to meet her friends!


In addition to stories of her rise to fame, Anjelica Huston’s cheating ex Jack Nicholson gets a lot of real estate in her coming-of-age memoir, Watch Me — and understand­ably so: The ill-fated duo dated on and off for 17 years. “I wanted to have a perfect romance and a lovely husband,” she writes.


Comedian Tiffany Haddish’s autobiogra­phy is both brutally funny and unflinchin­gly honest. She recalls a series of heartbreak­s and hilarious high points, from being put in foster care at age 13 to exacting revenge on an unfaithful ex by, um, defecating in his Air Jordans.


Drew Barrymore was 14 when she cowrote her first memoir, about how she was drinking alcohol by age 9 and doing hard drugs by age 12. “In 2015, she released a follow-up memoir, Wildflower, recounting the experience­s that led her to a happier, healthier place.

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