US Weekly

25 Things You Don’t Know About Me

The actor and comedian cracks Us up with his factoids

- Joel McHale BY

1. I don’t like ice in my drinks. I don’t like the clanking against my teeth.

2. My favorite songs right now are Weezer’s “All My Favorite Songs,” Meghan Trainor’s “Dear Future Husband” and David O’Dowda’s “The World Retreats.”

3. My wife [Sarah Williams] hates when I drive too fast.

4. Halloween is my favorite holiday.

5. My guilty pleasure television show is Forensic Files.

6. My favorite pizza topping is fresh tomatoes.

7. I use the prayer hands emoji the most. Sometimes I’ll type out my emojis instead of showing [them, like] “happy face emoji.”

8. I am a cheesy dad.

9. My favorite cheesy dad joke that I wrote for Casey’s new cheesy breadstick­s is: “When my dad was asked if he eats three square meals a day he replied, ‘No. Casey’s cheesy breadstick­s are more of a rectangle shape.’”

10. World Class Chocolate is my favorite ice cream flavor from Baskin-Robbins.

11. Robin Williams is my hero.

12. I am a huge Seattle sports fan. I love the [NFL’s] Seahawks, [MLS’] Sounders and [WNBA’s] Storm.

13. My favorite vacation spot is Vashon Island in Washington State.

14. The Royal Tenenbaums [is one of the movies that] made me laugh so hard in the theater that I thought I was going to pass out.

15. I own a huge sword and knife collection.

16. I drink coffee with whole milk and no sugar.

17. I do not like karaoke. It drives me out of my mind. Although, I do find karaoke duets very funny.

18. The superpower of my choice would have to be [my character from Stargirl] Starman’s Cosmic Staff.

19. I have a good, full 100 episodes of Match Game on the Game Show Network recorded on my DVR.

20. My family still gathers to eat together at the dinner table and I love that.

21. My first job ever was weeding. I was so bad at it.

22. If I could only eat one meal for the rest of my life it would be spaghetti carbonara.

23. I love pillows. If I can sleep with five, I’m very happy.

24. The most unusual thing I have ever eaten is cobra from an exotic butcher shop in Seattle.

25. My sight is my strongest of the five senses. I am [like] Cyclops.

 ??  ?? Visit caseys .com/cheesy to read more of McHale’s cheesy jokes.
Visit caseys .com/cheesy to read more of McHale’s cheesy jokes.

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