US Weekly

25 Things You Don’t Know About Me

The actor, podcast host and stand-up comedian gets hilariousl­y honest with Us

- Pauly Shore BY

1. When my bananas start to go rotten, I put them in a Ziploc bag and freeze them so I can make smoothies in the future.

2. Before I go to sleep every night I channel surf between

CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. I always end up watching The

11th Hour With Brian Williams. He’s my favorite, and handsome as all hell.

3. I have a dog named Buster. 4. My movie Guest House was one of the most streamed comedies of 2020.

5. I have to wear glasses when I read books and menus.

6. I love doing stand-up comedy at small venues across the country and getting to know all sorts of Americans.

7. All I think about is comedy. 8. My room’s always a mess. 9. I do a weekly workout show on YouTube called Sweatin with the Wiez.

10. I have a podcast called Random Rants, which is exactly what it sounds like.

11. As a kid, I’d watch Robin Williams and Richard Pryor practice stand-up at the Comedy Store, which my mom owned.

12. I do Pilates two days a week.

13. I had back surgery 10 years ago.

14. I love going to the Korean spa, especially when they have a cold plunge pool.

15. I sleep with a big pillow between my legs.

16. I moved to Las Vegas after almost 50 years of living in Hollywood and I love it here.

17. Me and my brother, Scott, have recently become best friends again after a fight.

18. I have a 1969 Road Runner convertibl­e that I bought myself in 1994 after I did the movie In the Army Now. It’s the same car that I almost ran over Verne Troyer in in my cult classic Pauly Shore Is Dead.

19. I feel like I’m getting fat.

20. I used to play on the same Little League team as Bob Dylan’s son Sam.

21. Stephen Baldwin keeps reaching out to me to do BioDome 2.

22. Six months ago I was seriously looking into surrogacy and becoming a dad.

23. I have a niece and nephew, Lola and Caleb.

24. I’d rather get a good night’s sleep than go out.

25. I have a garage band with a bunch of old dudes called Pauly Shore and the Crustys. In the fall, we’re going to embark on a local Vegas tour, playing mostly Chinese restaurant­s, bowling alleys and Fremont Street.

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