US Weekly

Big Buffy Fans

Sarah Michelle Gellar’s little ones are sinking their teeth into her classic TV show

- By Riley Cardoza / With reporting by Diana Cooper, Mandie DeCamp, Joseph Drake & Christina Garibaldi

Sarah Michelle Gellar’s two kids, Charlotte, 11, and Rocky, 8, are “working [their] way” through her iconic TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But that doesn’t mean that they’ll reach the last episode anytime soon! “I have to sort of cherry-pick which ones [we watch] because they’re still so young. Like, there’s a lot in season 6 that they can’t see,” says the 44-yearold actress, joking that they won’t be allowed to finish the supernatur­al drama until they’re 30. “[Luckily] they’ve gotten distracted by other shows.” Here, Gellar – who’s been married to actor Freddie Prinze Jr., 45, for 18 years — spills more of her parenting secrets to Us.

Q: Are Charlotte and Rocky fans of any of your other projects?

They’re never interested, [but] they were adamant that they wanted to see the rest of [Masters of the Universe: Revelation].

That never happens.

Q: What’s your favorite way to spend time with them?

It can be tough nowadays because we’re juggling so much and have all of these devices, [but] being a good parent is about being present and being there. My friend… came over [recently] and let herself into our house. [When she found us] we were all at a dining room table playing a board game. She was like, “I thought that just happens in movies. Do you guys really do that?” I was like, “Yeah, absolutely.”

Q: What’s your best parenting tip?

Kids want to know what the rules are and what the parameters are. And if you don’t make it a huge deal, then it doesn’t become one.

Q: Do you enjoy traveling with your kids?

They’re probably the best travelers. Freddie and I always joke that we could learn from them. They’re the easiest f liers. They’re not independen­t in life, but they’re very independen­t on an airplane because they can’t go anywhere.

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