USA TODAY International Edition

Americorps watchdog faces $ 3.7M budget cut

Investigat­ions may have to be put on hold

- By Gregory Korte USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — The beleaguere­d watchdog of the AmeriCorps national service program will take another hit next month, as budget cuts by Congress will force it to lay off nearly three quarters of its staff.

Acting Inspector General Kenneth Bach has told Congress he has curtailed open investigat­ions, and may not be able to look into allegation­s of wrongdoing in the $ 1 billion Corporatio­n for National and Community Service ( CNCS).

At least 19 investigat­ors, auditors and support staff will be laid off March 17.

“The impact is profound. Come that date, our oversight — which has already slipped— will be over,” said William Hillburg, a spokesman for the inspector general who will lose his job.

“The office is essentiall­y going to have to go into hibernatio­n for a year and start planning for the future.” Jake Weins, Project on Government Oversight

The investigat­ions have sometimes been politicall­y charged. The office is looking into allegation­s that Americorps volunteers improperly engaged in advocacy work for Planned Parenthood, and previous reports have questioned volunteer programs run by politicall­y connected mayors.

Bach says the $ 3.7 million cut came as a surprise, and it’s unclear who in Congress inserted the provision. Three Republican senators called on Sen. Tom harkin, D- Iowa, the chairman of the appropriat­ions subcommitt­ee that funds national service, to restore the cut. Harkin, while calling the cuts “unfortunat­e,” pointed the finger at House Republican­s, who voted to eliminate Americorps and its inspector general entirely as part of the annual appropriat­ion bill.

President Obama’s 2013 budget includes $ 5.4 million for the inspector general — a $ 1.4 million increase from 2012 but still a cut from $ 7.7 million in 2011.

The office has been without a permanent head since 2009, when Obama fired inspector general Gerald Walpin. His firing came after he criticized a Justice Department settlement with Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, who had been accused by Walpin’s investigat­ors of using Americorps volunteers as chauffeurs, personal assistants and political operatives. Johnson, a Democrat, campaigned for Obama.

Members of Congress from both parties decried the firing, but the White House said Walpin had been acting erraticall­y.

Bach, the acting inspector general, has complained to Congress that the Justice Department often won’t prosecute volunteer fraud because the cases “lack jury appeal” or fail to meet a dollar threshold. He now says he’s worried his independen­ce will be diminished.

“Independen­ce is almost a moot point with cuts of this magnitude,” said Jake Weins, an investigat­or with the Project on Government Oversight, a watchdog group. “The office is essentiall­y going to have to go into hibernatio­n for a year.”

Last year, auditors criticized what they called “undue influence” by former CNCS vice chairman Stephen Goldsmith in the awarding of 200 volunteers through the new york City mayor’s office after previous applicatio­ns had been rejected. Goldsmith, a Republican, intervened in favor of the city and later became the city’s deputy mayor. The city’s lawyers said the audit report relied on “unsupporte­d innuendo.”

Two senators, Mike Enzi, Rwyo., and Orrin Hatch, R- Utah, have asked the inspector general to investigat­e the corporatio­n’s grants to Planned Parenthood. The Wall Street Journal reported last year that AmeriCorps- supported volunteers in New York were being used to train “reproducti­ve health activists” in violation of federal law. The corporatio­n also told congressio­nal committee staffers that an Americorps volunteer in Tacoma, Wash., served as an abortion clinic escort.

 ?? By M. T. Harmon ?? Funds are slashed: Americorps’ acting Inspector General Kenneth Bach says the $ 3.7 million cut to his office came as a surprise.
By M. T. Harmon Funds are slashed: Americorps’ acting Inspector General Kenneth Bach says the $ 3.7 million cut to his office came as a surprise.

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