USA TODAY International Edition

Fed battle is all about gender

Two candidates, similar policies, one critical difference

- Michael Wolff @ Michaelwol­ffnyc Michael@ burnrate. com USA TODAY

The public bake- off between the economists Lawrence Summers and Janet Yellen for the job of chairman of the Federal Reserve has boiled down, practicall­y speaking, to discrimina­tory hiring practices.

Janet Yellen’s stand- out credential is that she is a woman.

Larry Summers’ main drawback — or, certainly, among his most conspicuou­s characteri­stics — is that he is not.

You would have to be a naïf or dissembler of remarkable proportion­s not to see every argument for or against these candidates — and you might read each of these arguments as forms of letters of recommenda- tion by their various sponsors — as reducible to a gender debate.

And this is not just a discussion of the symbolic significan­ce of appointing the first woman as chairman of the Fed. The almost explicit argument is about gender traits and the specific way Summers and Yellen each represent their gender advantages or disadvanta­ges.

He’s a manly man ( at least as academic bureaucrat types go), and she’s a gentle woman ( at least as profession­al women go).

The gender issue often lurks behind political choices, but is seldom, if ever, as clearly defined as it is by Summers and Yellen.

In Summers, you have, according to his proponents, a forceful, assertive, decisive and independen­t voice.

In Yellen, according to her supporters, you have a thoughtful, reticent, fair- minded collaborat­or.

In the gender wars, now being fought most astutely by the Yellenists, this reduces even further: Summers is not just a man, but such an objectiona­ble one; Yellen is not just a woman, but such a praisewort­hy sort.

In other words, on a more specific and primal level than has ever been

articulate­d in a public debate since it became largely illegal to posit profession­al difference between the sexes, we are on the verge of an open argument about relative gender virtues and talents.

Of the many things that distinguis­h Summers, one, not unironical­ly, is that he got thrown out of the presidency of Harvard for seeming to suggest a woman’s profession­al goals or orientatio­n might be different from a man’s. The sides are drawn. Gender begins to distinguis­h a political point of view, too. That Summers might be more partial to banks than Yellen is pretty much billed as a gender result.

Summers, as a certain kind of dominant man, is aligned with Wall Street, and hence with money, and hence with the existing power structure. He embodies the inclinatio­ns that have gotten us into so much financial trouble.

Yellen, as an unshowy ( read middle- aged) woman, is more academic and collegial in nature, and has done long and unheralded stints in government; she represents the collective self and hence a higher level of public selflessne­ss and probity.

As it happens, both Summers and Yellen are mainstream Democrats whose relative points of view really do not seem to differ all that much. But their sensibilit­ies do. They may have many of the same positions, but they would, in clear code, surely have different instincts. INSIDER VS. OUTSIDER He is, of course, an insider, she, manifestly, an outsider.

That is, men are drawn to the spotlight. They make the job about themselves. About ego. About their own advancemen­t for the sake of their own advancemen­t. Power, to them, is self justifying. After all, one of Summers’ main claims to the job is that he has earned it.

Women, on the other hand, function happily in relative anonymity, even obscurity. They bide their time. They develop a consensus and network. They are an equanimous part of the system. They wait their turn. Yellen, in the telling, should get the job because she deserves it — actually, she doesn’t say that, her supporters do.

Now you could, in fact, flip this around, and see Summers as the perennial sore thumb and outsider, always battling to enter and then never quite fitting in when he gets there, and Yellen, as the consummate bureaucrat and insider, the comfortabl­e and ever- permanent fixture, going along to getting along.

But the narrative is fixed: Summers is boys club, Yellen not.

This gender view has also become the essential argument about the direction of the Fed and the role of its chairman.

The hyper- masculine Fed takes the leadership position on all monetary questions; it makes its leverage a central part of any discussion; it uses its considerab­le clout as a singular market force. It’s a big foot. And its voice and its personalit­y and its muscle, emanate, most of all, from the mouth of its chairman. This is, arguably, the role, the man’s role, the Fed has taken since Paul Volcker made the Fed chairman one of the most visible and most powerful figures in government. THE FEMININE FED The more self- effacing feminine Fed is not just a better partner to other parts of government influencin­g economic policy, but a Fed more sensitive to broader issues, a tilt, for instance, from a monetary emphasis to greater employment concerns. A woman is a more sagacious chairman. A more listening chairman. A more sharing one. It’s a more holistic Fed.

While it might have seemed very difficult to find, especially at such a pinnacle of profession­al accomplish­ment, a way back to some of the most vapid, dumbed- down and oppressive gender roles and descriptio­ns, we have found it.

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 ?? 2010 AP FILE PHOTO ?? The narrative is fixed: Larry Summers is boys club.
2010 AP FILE PHOTO The narrative is fixed: Larry Summers is boys club.

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