USA TODAY International Edition

Why the United States should not attack Syria

Punishing Assad is not in our national interests

- DeWayne Wickham @ DeWayneWic­kham DeWayne Wickham writes on Tuesdays for USA TODAY.

As horrific as the death count is from the sarin- filled bombs that the forces of Syrian President Bashar Assad allegedly hurled into a rebel stronghold on the edge of Damascus, it should not trigger an American military interventi­on into Syria’s two- and- a- half- year- old civil war.

Yes, the 426 children killed by the use of a weapon of mass destructio­n — which most of the world agrees is an unacceptab­le — is a chilling reminder of the indiscrimi­nate brutality of war. But in a conflict in which both sides are accused of committing gruesome war crimes, President Obama should not be hoodwinked into believing that punishing Assad’s forces is in this country’s national interest. Some of the strongest factions aligned against Assad’s regime have links to al- Qaeda. WATCH OUT FOR AL- QAEDA If the forces trying to topple Assad prevail, Syria could become the world’s first al- Qaeda- led nation, which would almost certainly draw large numbers of U. S. ground forces back onto a Middle East battle zone. Avoiding that outcome is in this country’s national interest.

Syria is the fault line of the longrunnin­g conflict between Israel and Iran. For many backers of Israel, Assad’s government is widely seen as a pariah because it is an ally of the mullahs in Iran who clamor for Israel’s destructio­n.

Israel’s supporters inside the Obama administra­tion and Congress, I suspect, see the sarin attack as an opportunit­y to use the U. S. military to undermine Assad’s hold on power.

“Israel wants the Syrian civil war to continue” by weakening Assad’s forces, said Daniel Levy, a former Israeli government official who is now a senior fellow at the New America Foundation. Israel wants “a bigger U. S. military footprint in the Middle East” because a “muscular, interventi­onist America is more useful to Israel than an America that is focused on state- building at home.” PUSH FOR ISRAEL’S INTERESTS Israeli leaders believe that getting the U. S. to attack Syria will send a message to Iran that the U. S. is serious when it says it will not allow Tehran to develop a nuclear weapon, Levy told me.

But Obama’s decision on military interventi­on should be guided by what’s in this country’s best interests, not Israel’s. A U. S. attack against Assad will strengthen the hand of those who seek to turn Syria into an Islamic state. And if that happens, neighborin­g Jordan will almost certainly fall to a jihadist movement as well as Iraq. Nearly 4,500 U. S. servicemen and women died to create a democracy in Iraq. But that fledgling government might not survive if it is surrounded by militant Islamic states.

The government officials responsibl­e for the sarin gas attack — like the rebel leaders behind the reported beheadings and summary executions of Syrian government soldiers — should be branded war criminals, hunted down and hauled before the Internatio­nal Criminal Court.

But when our national interests would be put at risk, the Obama administra­tion shouldn’t give in to pressures to take sides in a civil war in which war crimes are being committed by both sides. In Syria’s civil war, there is no moral high ground. There is only the quicksand of a wider Middle East conflict that the U. S. must carefully navigate.

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