USA TODAY International Edition

Oversight of doctors lax?

State medical boards allow thousands of physicians to keep practicing medicine after findings of serious misconduct, a USA TODAY investigat­ion shows.


Review boards look at cases where doctors make mistakes. That’s also why physicians have malpractic­e insurance.

As the child of two doctors, I want to remind you that physicians are human beings. Humans make mistakes and, under intense pressure such as in a case in which someone is severely suffering, misdiagnos­is is not uncommon because of all the factors involved.

People mistakenly think doctors can solve all their problems. So many people think physicians are gods, and they’re not!

Tom Baker

Unfortunat­ely, the first person to think that a doctor is a god is usually the doctor. Yes, everyone makes mistakes, but if one person is making a lot more mistakes than most, it is time to consider a career change. Sure, doctors are only human, but when you make mistakes that kill people, it is not OK.

Frank Pestore

The medical boards seem to have the doctors’ best interest in mind, not the patients’. Why are the boards so afraid to get rid of bad doctors?

Yes, mistakes happen. But when there is blatant misuse of power, why do the boards find these doctors are still fit to practice?

Don Atkinson

People who work in health care should be registered at the national level.

For example, if you’re banned in one state, you should be banned in all states.

Wayne Leslie

Medical boards have significan­t power to take licenses — if they choose. Medicine is a very regulated industry. Also, checks come from insurance companies, government, lawyers and peer- review entities.

The practice of medicine is now transition­ing to so many other nonphysici­an providers, including pharmacist­s, nurse practition­ers, physician assistants and others.

Loss of standards and regulation by the boards is widespread.

Paul Kempen

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