USA TODAY International Edition

Realizing her dream

On her fifth attempt, Diana Nyad completes Cuba- to- Florida swim in 53 hours. “Never, ever give up,” 64- year- old

- William M. Welch USA TODAY

Diana Nyad stepped onto dry sand in Key West on Monday after swimming more than 100 miles through treacherou­s waters from Cuba, at last achieving a goal she has pursued for 35 years.

“Never, ever give up,” Nyad, 64, said after becoming the first person to swim from Havana to the southernmo­st point in the continenta­l USA without a protective shark cage.

“You’re never too old to chase your dreams,” she added.

Nyad arrived on U. S. soil 53 hours after she slipped into the warm water at Havana’s Hemingway Marina on Saturday, roughly 110 miles south of the beach where her arrival was greeted with celebratio­n. She set a record for the longest ocean swim without a shark cage or flippers, according to her crew. Nyad succeeded in the solo crossing on her fifth try. She first tried in 1978 and made three other attempts in 2011 and 2012.

“Diana Nyad’s remarkable achievemen­t today is an inspiratio­n to everyone,” tweeted former Florida congressma­n and MSNBC morning host Joe Scarboroug­h.

Looking a bit dazed and puffy from her ordeal, Nyad made brief remarks, then was put on a stretcher and taken to a hospital. “I’m a little bit out of it right now,” she said. She pointed to her swollen lips: “Seawater.”

“More than the athletic feat, she wants to send a message of peace, love, friendship and happiness ... between the people of the United States and Cuba,” said her longtime friend, Diaz Escrich.

Nyad wore a bodysuit and a silicone mask at night to protect her from jellyfish. She never left the water but would stop to eat. Two miles from shore, Nyad paused and told the five support boats to gather around. “This is a lifelong dream of mine, and I’m very, very glad to be with you,” she said, according to her website.

 ?? J. PAT CARTER, AP ?? Diana Nyad, 64, right, comes ashore Monday in Key West.
J. PAT CARTER, AP Diana Nyad, 64, right, comes ashore Monday in Key West.

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