USA TODAY International Edition


3 lessons from Tennessee and D. C.’ s performanc­e on nation’s report card

- Richard Whitmire Richard Whitmire, a former USA TODAY editorial writer, is finishing On the Rocketship, a book about high- performing charter schools.

How often does Tennessee get cited nationally for producing great academic gains for its children? Almost never, about the same number of times Washington, D. C., gets touted for its superior academic results.

And yet both Tennessee and Washington stood out last week for making the fastest education gains as the results from the “nation’s report card,” the respected National Assessment of Educationa­l Progress ( NAEP), were released. Imagine that. It’s hard to say which location has the more checkered education history. Only a few years ago, Tennessee got “outed” for setting embarrassi­ngly low education standards. Tennessee students were acing their state tests but failing the far- tougher NAEP. Until a few years ago, Washington, D. C., was regarded as one of the worst urban school districts in the country.

Education leaders in both places are regularly pilloried for reforms they undertook. In Tennessee, a third of the district superinten­dents, along with the teachers’ unions in Memphis and Nashville, just signed no- confidence letters condemning State Education Commission­er Kevin Huffman. Their message to the governor: Rein him in!

The Washington reforms are famously controvers­ial, designed by former chancellor Michelle Rhee ( Huffman’s ex- wife), who was forced from office in part because of the political turmoil created by those school changes. Current Chancellor Kaya Henderson was able to preserve and improve those reforms partly because she is considerab­ly less inflammato­ry than Rhee.

THREE REASONS FOR GAINS How can this progress in Tennessee and Washington be explained? In truth, it’s not a mystery. I’ve seen similar progress while visiting other successful schools. There are three reasons behind the improvemen­ts:

Start with setting higher education standards. Tennessee did that in 2009. Washington did that even earlier when it adopted the highly admired Massachuse­tts education standards. And both Tennessee and Washington moved quickly to adopt the more rigorous Common Core standards.

Then, mix in a strong dose of real- world employee evaluation, something common in the private sector but until recently mostly unknown in schools.

In Tennessee, for example, a teacher could go 10 years between evaluation­s. That changed dramatical­ly in 2011, when Tennessee became one of the nation’s earliest adopters of profession­al teacher evaluation­s. It’s not just that the evaluation­s are tied to how much students learn; it’s that they involve actual feedback to teachers based on what great instructio­n looks like.

In Washington, teachers routinely won rave reviews despite abysmal outcomes by their students — a contradict­ion routinely explained away by poverty ( despite higher- poverty school districts with better outcomes). That changed dramatical­ly with its groundbrea­king 2009 IMPACT teacher evaluation. At the time, national union leaders dubbed it outrageous. Last month, a national study dubbed it effective. Overall, the better teachers stayed and tried harder, encouraged by the prospect of being rewarded. The “minimally effective” teachers tended to look for other lines of work.


uFinally, make charter school students a compelling part of the story. In Washington, charter students make up nearly half of all students and are turning in academic improvemen­ts at rates that outstrip the traditiona­l district. I’m not surprised. My recent reporting trips to cities that use high- performing charter groups signal the most promising school improvemen­t strategies I’ve ever come across. In Washington, for example, traditiona­l schools are adopting many charter- proven strategies. That’s not stealing; that’s what is supposed to happen. And you can see far more of it in Memphis, Houston, Denver, San Jose and other cities.

Good things can happen in the nation’s schools, but those success stories are fragile. Push- back forces, such as the skittish Tennessee school superinten­dents, are demanding a return to the more comfortabl­e ways of the past, ways that left at least half their students, the neediest, with educations of insufficie­nt wattage to even qualify them for community college study.

That’s why the education lessons learned from the losers of yesterday, Tennessee and Washington, are so compelling. You will face push- back. You will get accused of pushing too hard. You might get accused of cheating. But education leaders who hold firm with the right reforms will see results.

Monday’s editorial on painkiller­s abuse overstated the number of hydrocodon­e prescripti­ons. According to government estimates, 136.7 million prescripti­ons for hydrocodon­e were dispensed in 2011, making it the most prescribed drug in America.

 ?? STEVEN S. HARMAN, THE ( NASHVILLE) TENNESSEAN ?? High school students pedal FitDesks as they read in Nashville.
STEVEN S. HARMAN, THE ( NASHVILLE) TENNESSEAN High school students pedal FitDesks as they read in Nashville.

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