USA TODAY International Edition

People want gridlock?


More Americans say political polarizati­on is a good thing, according to a new USA TODAY/ Bipartisan Policy Center poll.

I don’t know how many Americans can hate the political divide when so many of them never discuss politics and are clueless about the Constituti­on.

The engaged part of this country understand­s full well why the Founding Fathers put in a system with checks and balances, and knows that the political divide is a good thing.

Ken Pelkey

This is the only route to progress: Institutio­ns need to work together for the American people while encouragin­g debate.

@ StephanLio­zu

Heightened division is good because it makes it harder to get things done. The less Congress does, the better it is for all.

Bill Nourse

Government of, by and for the people fails to work when elected representa­tives allow egos, arrogance and special interests to prevent them from serving as their election intended. Partisansh­ip is a necessary evil of politics, but carried to an extreme, it is dangerous and discouragi­ng.

@ Michelle_ 4681

The main reason there is a divide is because half the people believe government is the problem, and the other half believe it is the solution.

Raymond Kevin Halpern

It’s time GOP members of Congress stop pandering for headlines and to their primary base and start doing something for America.


Compromise is an indispensa­ble part of democracy. With it, difference­s can be respected and bridged. Without it, ideology trumps practicali­ty, and government simply doesn’t work.

Are our elected officials willing to focus on the next generation as opposed to the next election?

Ken Sosinsky

People are getting tired of seeing constant dysfunctio­n in big government.


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