USA TODAY International Edition

Shooting spurs reflection­s on security, solidarity


Four Marines and a Navy petty officer

were killed in Chattanoog­a, Tenn., allegedly by a gunman named Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez. He also was killed (“4 Marines slain in Tenn. shooting,” News, Friday).

As a matter of Department of Defense policy, at military facilities most personnel are unarmed, which makes them easy prey. Just like the mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas, the shooter knew his lawabiding victims would be unarmed. Carry a weapon while in uniform or on base, unless part of your duties, and you are looking at a punitive discharge.

All military personnel should be issued federal concealed carry permits after being properly trained. That would be like putting a host of undercover cops on the street.

Wayne L. Johnson Retired Navy commander Alexandria, Va.

As a Muslim Marine, I condemn the

despicable actions of suspect Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez. To me, this man represente­d only his own hate- filled ideology, not the loving teachings of Islam. I would submit that he is no different from the Dylann Roofs and James Holmeses of the world.

The Holy Quran teaches that when anyone kills a person, it is as if he has killed all mankind, and when anyone saves the life of a person, it is equal to someone who has given life to all mankind.

I am deeply pained at the loss of my fellow Marines and also a sailor who died afterward from his injuries. I believe they are not just heroes, but fit the true definition of martyrs.

While this Marine stands with his fellow soldiers, this Muslim does not stand with the atrocious acts of that alleged Muslim gunman.

Mansoor Shams


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