USA TODAY International Edition

Americans stuck in Iran overshadow nuclear agreement

Team petitions for freedom of ‘ Post’ writer accused of spying

- Oren Dorell Contributi­ng: Susan Page

WASHINGTON Renewed focus on four Americans detained in Iran looms as a potential impediment to congressio­nal approval of an internatio­nal agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear program.

Wednesday marked the first anniversar­y of the arrest of Washington Post Tehran bureau chief Jason Rezaian, who was charged with espionage. Rezaian’s plight was detailed at a news conference a day before the Senate holds its first hearing on the deal, which is subject to a 60- day review by Congress. It will lift sanctions costing Iran hundreds of billions of dollars in return for limits on its nuclear program and access for internatio­nal inspectors to verify Iran does not try to develop a weapon.

Many members of Congress have expressed reservatio­ns about the agreement, citing Iranian actions hostile to U. S. interests. The detention of the Americans, whose fates remain uncertain, adds to those concerns.

Rezaian’s lawyers, brother and Post Executive Editor Martin Baron called for his immediate release. They unveiled a formal petition on his behalf submitted to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions. “If Iran is serious about its internatio­nal obligation­s, then this is the perfect opportunit­y to show the world how seriously it takes those obligation­s,” attorney David Bowker said.

Other American detainees are former U. S. Marine Amir Hekmati and Christian pastor Saeed Abedini. All three are Iranian Americans whom Iran treats as its own citizens. Iranian media reported that a fourth detainee, former FBI agent Robert Levinson, was in the custody of Iranian security services shortly after he went missing more than eight years ago.

The U. S. government alleges that the three Americans of Iranian descent are held without cause by Iran’s hard- line Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps, which controls Iran’s nuclear sites and expressed misgivings about the negotiatio­ns.

President Obama said U. S. diplomats are working to gain the release of the detainees, but negotiatio­ns on the nuclear agreement were limited to one priority: ensuring Iran doesn’t obtain a nuclear weapon.

Baron said administra­tion officials never promised Rezaian’s release would be part of the deal, but his case was discussed.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said in Tehran on Wednesday that “imprisoned citizens” were discussed for humanitari­an reasons during the talks, but he did not elaborate, according to the Associated Press.

Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland, the ranking Democrat on the Committee on Foreign Relations, said the detainees should be raised “at every point,” though he agreed with the administra­tion’s approach at the talks.

 ?? AMERICAN CENTER FOR LAW & JUSTICE ?? Iranian American Saeed Abedini, a pastor, was accused of activities that threaten Iranian national security and imprisoned away from his family.
AMERICAN CENTER FOR LAW & JUSTICE Iranian American Saeed Abedini, a pastor, was accused of activities that threaten Iranian national security and imprisoned away from his family.
 ?? ALEX WONG, GETTY IMAGES ?? A box holds demands for the release of Washington Post staffer Jason Rezaian.
ALEX WONG, GETTY IMAGES A box holds demands for the release of Washington Post staffer Jason Rezaian.
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Sarah Hekmati is the sister of Amir Hekmati, a retired Marine Corps sergeant.
GETTY IMAGES Sarah Hekmati is the sister of Amir Hekmati, a retired Marine Corps sergeant.

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