USA TODAY International Edition


No one knows what he’ll say, but remarks could shake things up

- Rick Hampson

For a century, it was the paranoid political fantasy of Protestant fundamenta­lists and Know- Nothing nativists: The pope — “the whore of Babylon,’’ they called him, citing the Book of Revelation — would use Catholic immigrants to bend Washington to his will.

On Sept. 24, when Pope Francis becomes the first pontiff to address a joint session of Congress, there’ll be no coup d’etat. But his first U. S. visit could be another wild card in the unpredicta­ble 2016 presidenti­al race, especially if he touches on controvers­ies such as Planned Parenthood funding, global warming, immigratio­n or the Iran nuclear deal.

The unpreceden­ted congressio­nal address has a curious genesis: Francis, a left- leaning pope whom Rush Limbaugh calls a Marxist, was invited by John Boehner, a right- leaning speaker of the House ( as well as a proud Catholic and former altar boy).

Thus, conservati­ve Republican­s in the chamber may have to listen to the pope talk about:

Capitalism: Uncontroll­ed, it will “devour everything which stands in the way of increased profits,” the pope has said, and promote “the idolatry of money.”

Immigratio­n: Francis says immigrants, legal and illegal, are often victims of injustice and deserve support, not the scorn heaped on them by some politician­s. He says he considered entering the U. S. from Mexico on his visit to show solidarity with immigrants.

Climate change: In an encyclical ( papal statement) in June, Francis said global warming was real; partly caused by humans; and a problem government­s must address more urgently, despite the costs.

Do Republican members — four of whom ( Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul) are presidenti­al candidates — applaud? Sit on their hands? Stick pins in Boehner dolls?

The suspense makes for “fascinatin­g political theater,’’ says Thomas Reese, a Jesuit priest and church observer for The National Catholic Reporter.

He adds: “Boehner must have been crazy to invite him.”


It’s hard to predict the political impact of the pope’s visit. But two things are clear:

1. Francis has strong political views and knows how to express them.

Predecesso­rs John Paul II and Benedict XVI were philosophe­r-theologian­s who expressed themselves accordingl­y. Francis, whose background is science ( chemistry), speaks plainly and pointedly.

“If you want a five- star, banner headline insight about this pope, here it is,’’ John Allen, a veteran Vatican watcher, wrote this year in The Boston Globe. “Beneath his humble, simple exterior lies the mind of a brilliant politician.’’ His seemingly off- the- cuff remarks, Allen says, are anything but.

Austen Ivereigh, one of his biographer­s, agrees. He says the pope believes that in recent years “the church has got boxed into a

right- wing agenda ( gay marriage, abortion, religious freedom) and needs to break out. That means strong messages on immigratio­n, ecology, the death penalty and inequality.”

2. When the pope speaks, so must the presidenti­al candidates.

If the pope says anything newsworthy or controvers­ial, journalist­s will ask presidenti­al candidates to comment, especially Catholics such as Jeb Bush, Rubio, Martin O’Malley and Chris Christie. That could create what political analyst Nathan Gonzales calls “a domino effect.’’

Consider how the climate change statement played out.

Rick Santorum, a GOP presidenti­al candidate, is a conservati­ve Catholic who believes faith and values have a place in government.

During his 2012 campaign he said John F. Kennedy’s 1960 campaign speech to Baptist ministers about separation of church and state — and about Kennedy’s independen­ce, as a Catholic, from the Vatican — “makes me want to throw up.’’

But when it became clear that Francis would warn of global warming, Santorum stressed the limits of ecclesiast­ical authority: “The church has gotten it wrong a few times on science,” he said, referring to episodes like the refusal to accept Galileo’s proof that the earth circles the sun. “We’re probably better off leaving science to the scientists.”

Bush also was asked about the encyclical.

“I don’t get economic policy from my bishops or my cardinals or from my pope,’’ he said. “I think religion ought to be about making us better as people and less about things that end up getting into the political realm.”

How to handle a papal hot potato? A candidate “can disagree with the pope, but can’t appear to disrespect him,’’ says Patrick Millsaps, Newt Gingrich’s 2012 campaign manager. “Answer the question in under four seconds and move away.”

Although analysts agree the pope will touch on political issues, no one knows how specific he’ll be.

“The pope is not going to tell people what to think. He’ll tell them what to think about,’’ says David Campbell, a Notre Dame political scientist and co- author of American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us.

And Campbell says what the pope’s been talking about — climate change, economic inequality, the plight of immigrants — “isn’t what most Republican­s want to talk about.’’

The pope is popular, but his popularity may be slipping. A Gallup poll in July found that 59% of Americans view him favorably, down from 76% in February 2014. Only 45% of conservati­ves view him favorably.


But to call Francis a liberal is to ignore the difference between U. S. and Vatican politics. By the convention­al left- right divide of the former, the pope is inconsiste­nt — “liberal’’ on climate change and the death penalty, “conservati­ve’’ on abortion and gay marriage.

Which means that, despite the themes he’s emphasized so far in his papacy, he could pull a rabbit out of his hat.

 ?? FILIPPO MONTEFORTE AFP/ GETTY IMAGES ?? Pope Francis’ views don’t fit comfortabl­y on the American political spectrum. Some of them would be regarded as liberal; others, conservati­ve. The bottom line, analysts say, is that he’s a brilliant politician.
FILIPPO MONTEFORTE AFP/ GETTY IMAGES Pope Francis’ views don’t fit comfortabl­y on the American political spectrum. Some of them would be regarded as liberal; others, conservati­ve. The bottom line, analysts say, is that he’s a brilliant politician.

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