USA TODAY International Edition


The primary is afflicting the comfortabl­e in both parties

- Dante Scala is an associate professor of political science at the University of New Hampshire and co- author of The Four Faces of the Republican Party and the Fight for the 2016 Presidenti­al Nomination. Dante Scala

MANCHESTER, N. H. The New Hampshire presidenti­al primary is 100 years old this year. Long venerated by the political media ( and mostly tolerated by political parties), it seemed to be reaching a comfortabl­e middle age as an American political tradition.

Four years ago, Barack Obama was running unopposed for the Democratic nomination and the Republican contest was a snoozer. Mitt Romney, who had courted the state for the better part of a decade and owned a summer home by its lakes, enjoyed his coronation. The once- rambunctio­us New Hampshire Union Leader tried to stir the pot by endorsing Newt Gingrich, to no effect. All in all, the primary was quite orderly — and boring.

Yet primaries are intended to be disruptive. They were invented more than a century ago to explode the entrenched power of political party bosses. And sometimes they did. Unknown outsiders such as George McGovern and Jimmy Carter seized the day, and the first- in- the- nation New Hampshire primary became a catalyst for democratic turmoil and renewal.

More recently, political observers argue that modern- day political party “bosses” have regained control of the presidenti­al nomination process and muzzled the primary. When elites circle the wagons early and promote a favored candidate, the primary is often a rubber stamp. This year, however, has confounded the experts. The New Hampshire primary in particular is not acting its age. Instead, it has gone out of its way to afflict the comfortabl­e political elites.

New Hampshire’s Republican elite gatekeeper­s are aghast that Donald Trump — Donald Trump! — is banging on the door, refusing to go away quietly. It’s a scene reminiscen­t of the classic movie Caddyshack, when the vulgar, nouveau riche Rodney Dangerfiel­d joins the country club, and chaos among the affluent ensues. As Byron York of the Washington Examiner memorably reported, the local elites don’t know anyone voting for Trump. They say Trump’s not doing things the New Hampshire way. He’s a celebrity, not a politician, they sniff. Even the Union Leader, once eager to needle the local GOP establishm­ent, is defending the gates against the intruder this time.

But the intruder has many friends knocking at the gate with him. Nationally, the Republican Party has become increasing­ly dependent on white working- class voters in general elections, but its leaders have been slow to respond to their concerns and anxieties. To these voters, the traditiona­l GOP bromides — free global markets, immigratio­n reform, privatizat­ion, less regulation — are a formula for more failure. Trump speaks to all this, and the voters furthest from the elite are the most responsive.

When Trump attacked GOP donors at the Saturday night debate and the audience booed him roundly, it only confirmed the suspicions of Trump voters. They almost never are invited to these occasions. They see the scorn of elites for Trump and view it as a badge of honor.

Until quite lately, the chaos among New Hampshire Republican­s has overshadow­ed the challenges facing the Granite State’s Democratic elite. If the polls are even remotely on target, Bernie Sanders is about to accomplish a feat we have not seen for more than three decades: an insurgent from the party’s left wing defeating a more moderate establishm­ent front- runner.

Hillary Clinton has enjoyed the support of Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and Gov. Maggie Hassan, the only two state Democratic politician­s with organizati­ons that matter. If recent history held true, New Hampshire’s Democrats would have dated Sanders for a while, but ultimately married Clinton. We won’t know for sure until Tuesday night, but this time seems different.

And in no small part, that is because blue- collar, moderate Democratic voters — typically a bulwark of the party establishm­ent — are finding something appealing about Sanders. Historical­ly, insurgents from the left bond with the highly educated progressiv­e elite, but fail to connect with working- class voters. But Sanders’ unvarnishe­d message appears to be resonating here in a way that Clinton’s earnest pragmatism is not.

Few observers of New Hampshire ( certainly not this one!) would have predicted Trump and Sanders waves when this all began. Every so often, the primary teaches a rough lesson to those who claim to understand it. Beneath its middle- aged exterior lurks, still, the wild child of American democracy.

 ?? ANDREW BURTON, GETTY IMAGES ?? Bernie Sanders campaigns in Rindge, N. H., on Saturday.
ANDREW BURTON, GETTY IMAGES Bernie Sanders campaigns in Rindge, N. H., on Saturday.

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