USA TODAY International Edition


Texas senator tells RNC crowd to ‘ vote your conscience’

- Rick Hampson

“We’re fighting not for one particular candidate or one campaign.” Sen. Ted Cruz, during his convention speech where he stopped short of endorsing Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump

Ted Cruz bashed Hillary Clinton, President Obama and establishm­ent politician­s during his convention speech Wednesday — but did not endorse Donald Trump, drawing angry boos from the businessma­n’s backers in the hall.

Trump delegates cat- called and pointed fingers at the Texas senator as he told the delegates to “vote your conscience” — but did not mention Trump. He named the New York real estate mogul only once in his entire speech, and that was to say only “I congratula­te Donald Trump on win- ning the nomination.”

Hundreds of Cruz backers responded with cheers for their candidate, who appeared bemused at the fray and said at one point that “I appreciate the enthusiasm of the New York delegation.”

Trump backers — periodical­ly chanting “We Want Trump!” — also yelled at the senator’s wife, Heidi Cruz, as she exited the floor, surrounded by a security cordon.

Ted Cruz, repeatedly called a liar by Trump during their angry primary campaign, said he he hopes that the Republican Party’s principles “prevail in November,” and that Clinton loses; he also expressed support for a wall along the U. S.- Mexico border, but did not note that Trump made it a signature issue.

“We’re fighting not for one particular candidate or one cam-

paign,” Cruz said at another point, but so that Americans can tell their children and grandchild­ren “that we did our best for their future, and our country.”

Boos turned to cheers in the Quicken Loans Arena when Trump himself entered the arena right after Cruz’s remarks; he was there to watch his son Eric give a follow- up speech.

Later, former House speaker Newt Gingrich tried to calm down delegates by saying that some had “misunderst­ood” Cruz. The Texas senator urged them to vote for the candidate who will best protect the Constituti­on, Gingrich said, before adding: “In this election, there is only one candidate who will uphold the Constituti­on.”

Trump tweeted after Wednesday night’s session ended that Cruz “got booed off the stage” and that he hadn’t honored an agreement earlier in the primary campaign by GOP candidates to back the eventual nominee.

“I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway,” Trump added. “No big deal!”

One of the last Republican rivals to fall to Trump and the second- place finisher in terms of delegates, Cruz’s once- cordial relationsh­ip with the New York businessma­n deteriorat­ed during their long primary fight earlier this year.

In indicting both Obama and Clinton as emblematic of the failed establishm­ent, Cruz said the Democrats have failed to address terrorism, illegal immigratio­n and education problems. He hit them over the new health care system, taxes, regulation­s and what he called a weak anti- Israel foreign policy.

Recalling the life of one of the Dallas police officers killed earlier this month, Cruz said the nation owes much to the children of “fallen heroes” who have sacrificed all.

“And citizens are furious — rightly furious — at a political establishm­ent that cynically breaks its promises and that ignores the will of the people,” Cruz said. “We have to do better.”

As Cruz ponders his political future, aides said he has often spoken about Ronald Reagan, a candidate who survived a primary defeat to President Gerald Ford in 1976 and rallied to become president four years later — and who helped himself with a strong speech at the convention he lost. Some of the delegates in 1976 said they wish they had nominated Reagan after hearing him speak.

Perhaps hoping for a similar effect, Cruz told this year’s delegates: “People are fed up with politician­s who don’t listen to them, fed up with a corrupt system that benefits the elites, instead of working men and women.”

Some aides to Trump, who habitually described Cruz as “Lying Ted” during the campaign, ex- pected an endorsemen­t. Campaign manager Paul Manafort predicted before the speech that Cruz would leave no doubt he wanted Trump to be president.

This year’s Republican convention caps a notably nasty nomination fight, especially as it related to Trump and Cruz.

The New York businessma­n denigrated the looks of Heidi Cruz and appeared to endorse a conspiracy theory that implicated Cruz’s father in the assassinat­ion of President John F. Kennedy.

For his part, Cruz described Trump as “amoral” and a “pathologic­al liar.”

The Texas senator praised his father at length as some Trump delegates booed during his convention remarks.

In opening his remarks, Cruz noted that LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers won the pro basketball title last month after a come- from- behind win in the final series.

“LeBron James just led an incredible comeback victory,” Cruz said. “I’m convinced America is going to come back too.”

 ?? ROBERT DEUTSCH, USA TODAY ?? In his convention speech Wednesday, Sen. Ted Cruz drew jeers from the crowd for not endorsing Donald Trump.
ROBERT DEUTSCH, USA TODAY In his convention speech Wednesday, Sen. Ted Cruz drew jeers from the crowd for not endorsing Donald Trump.

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