USA TODAY International Edition

Backstage at ‘ Stand Up to Cancer’

Stars hobnob in green- room for gala fundraiser

- Bryan Alexander @ BryAlexand USA TODAY

There were tears LOS ANGELES and heart- wrenching stories of cancer’s impact told onstage at the Walt Disney Concert Hall for Friday’s Stand Up to Cancer televised fundraiser, broadcast on every major network.

In the private green- room, however, stars waiting to take the stage did what they do best: mingle with other celebs.

“I like ( this event). It’s really about the future,” Tom Hanks told USA TODAY. “All these organizati­ons will be putting this money raised tonight into studies and research. This is a proactive experience.

“And it’s a celebrity goof- off; it does have that part of it, too,” Hanks added, looking around the room.

USA TODAY had exclusive access to the goofing off in the

Stand Up to Cancer green- room. Here’s what went down.


Nearly two hours before showtime, the green- room was a dead zone until Frozen star Josh Gad arrived, making a beeline for the water bottles. “I’m so dehydrated; I need to hydrate,” he said. But Gad was waylaid by actor Ken Jeong, who literally jumped into his arms, shrieking and wrapping his legs around the actor’s stomach.

The two disentangl­ed themselves, catching up until Jeong had to depart for last- minute rehearsals. Next, American Horror

Story’s Matt Bomer arrived, giving his “bro” Gad a big bear hug and asking about his family. Gad grabbed a nearby photograph­er, asking, “Can you get a picture of us together?”

Jeong also engaged in a hugfilled, mini- Hangover reunion with a fully bearded Bradley Cooper. As the doctor- turned- comedian chatted with Cooper and young cancer survivors, he explained his connection to the cause: His wife and fellow physician Tran Ho battled breast cancer.

“I’m very passionate about this,” Jeong said.


Emma Stone, currently receiving rave reviews for her upcom- ing musical La La Land with Ryan Gosling, entered to the sound of a heckler from the green- room’s corner.

“Ooooh, someone is off in la la land,” Gad said loudly. “Get it? That’s the name of your musical.”

Stone scrunched her face in a fake scowl before bounding over to Gad and Pitch Perfect star Anna Kendrick.

“Let’s do a musical together,” Gad pleaded, as the trio embraced and began harmonizin­g.


As Hanks entered the greenroom and headed into the corner with Creative Artists Agency president Richard Lovett, all eyes were on the two- time Oscar winner. Stone, enjoying a pizza slice, proclaimed, “Oh, my God, I love that guy.”

Meanwhile, Hanks grabbed a passing Kristen Wiig and beckoned a photograph­er, pleading, “Let me get a photograph with a celebrity.” Wiig laughingly obliged.

By then, Stone couldn’t contain herself any longer and began comically waving both arms and bouncing on tiptoe in the duo’s line of sight. They took notice and pulled Stone over to talk. Hanks lavished praise on La La Land, saying it was “really wonderful.”

As Hanks turned his attention to the monitor for Kendrick’s segment, Stone caught up with Viola Davis, with whom she co- starred in The Help. “As overworked and as tired as I am, I try to talk to everyone,” Davis told Stone, rubbing her back. “It’s so good to see you.”


Will Arnett snuck up to a table where Cooper was signing posters and grabbed the American

Hustle star, saying, “I just love the look of that beard.” Next to visit was Stone, who convinced Cooper to join her in the hub to answer donor phone calls. UNTITLED GAD/ STONE MUSICAL PROJECT

Gad and Stone met up and exchanged phone numbers, giving fans hope that a musical may happen after all. But Gad expressed concern about her cracked phone screen. “How do you let her do this?” he asked her publicist jokingly. “She’s a movie star.”


As Vice President Joe Biden appeared onstage to talk about his late son Beau’s battle with brain cancer, Rita Wilson gave a vocal “yeah” to the TV monitor as husband Hanks watched and looked over his own speech.

Hanks introduced Céline Dion, who sang her new song Recovering while invoking the loss of husband René Angélil. Hanks returned to the green- room, placed his arm around Wilson, a breast cancer survivor, and the two watched the performanc­e, enthralled. “It was pretty powerful,” Hanks said.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Kristen Wiig, Will Arnett and Emma Stone attend Stand Up to Cancer on Friday.
GETTY IMAGES Kristen Wiig, Will Arnett and Emma Stone attend Stand Up to Cancer on Friday.
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Wiig and Tom Hanks express their mutual admiration.
GETTY IMAGES Wiig and Tom Hanks express their mutual admiration.
 ??  ?? Bradley Cooper and Stone discussed fundraisin­g, phone banks and facial hair.
Bradley Cooper and Stone discussed fundraisin­g, phone banks and facial hair.

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